I Love You Again

Read I Love You Again for Free Online

Book: Read I Love You Again for Free Online
Authors: Kate Sweeney
“I know. I sounded like an idiot telling him, yeah, we have birds. Anyway, they were all out on a walk, as they say.”
    “I love the way the British talk. It’s so…”
    “British? Anyway, they were out in the back by the field of clover, and he got stung by a few bees.”
    Bess grinned and shook her head. “Don’t tell me, he’s allergic to the little pests.”
    “Oh, God, Bess, I was terrified. Thank God Tina was next door. She drove him to the hospital. He was fine, but it put a definite damper on the week. So naturally, they had to cancel, and I refunded their money. The poor guy. It was the least I could do.”
    “You’re an old softy. And you’ll never make any money,” Bess said, shaking her head.
    “Well, better that than causing an international incident.”
    “Not the best way to start the season. You might want to warn your guests about your fields of clover. It’s too bad they couldn’t stay and keep Junior occupied.”
    “True, it would have kept his hormones off you.”
    Bess pulled a face. “That sounded nasty.”
    “Well, even with that cancellation, I’m booked for the next few days. Yep. It’s all good.”
    “So there are no other reservations and you’re booked as in no rooms left?”
    “Well, yeah, you dope. Unless you decide to leave. Why?”
    “Oh, no, no reason. That’s, that’s wonderful.”
    “Don’t sound so thrilled. And it’s only May.”
    “Good for you.” She shivered slightly. “Speaking of spring, there’s a definite chill in the air. Start a fire for me if you please.”
    “Yes, ma’am. We’re supposed to get a cool front moving in. All we need is snow.”
    “Bite your tongue.”
    “We’re in Colorado. We can still get snow.”
    “That is so sad.”
    After a few minutes, the fire crackled warmly, giving the dining room a cozy glow.
    “You know, Roz, I joke—”
    “Incessantly,” Roz said, dusting off her hands.
    “But I really am proud of you and happy for you. This place is so you. Small, unobtrusive, and unassuming, but cozy and lovable.”
    They sat at a table by the fire close enough for Bess to lean forward and warm her hands. Roz looked out the window at the mountains in the distance and the creek in the foreground.
    “I’m very lucky,” she said quietly. She could not, however, deny the pang of loneliness.
    “Have you dated at all?”
    “She asked out of the blue.”
    “Answer my question.”
    “I have…” Roz toyed with the saltshaker.
    “Tell me. Everything.” Bess settled in, waiting for a good story.
    “Tina Foster. Met her in Steamboat Springs. She’s a vet.”
    “Oh, was she in Iraq?”
    “What? Oh, no. A veterinarian, vet. A doctor. She’s the one who helped my bee sting gentleman.”
    “I didn’t know you had any animals here.” Bess frowned deeply. “Please don’t tell me you have goats and chickens and little varmints scurrying somewhere on the property. They carry diseases, you know.” The memory of the little critter she almost hit on the road coming here flashed through her mind.
    “No. The guy that owns the property behind mine. Dave Jenson. He has stables. It’s where everyone goes for horseback riding. He has some other animals running around. And they do not carry diseases.”
    “Oh, yes, they do. Mad cow disease?” She held up her hand. “Wait. Nope. That was Ellen Butler in high school.”
    “Anyway,” Roz continued, “the kids like the animals. And Tina stopped by last year and introduced herself. I’ve seen her a couple times, but…” Roz shrugged indifferently.
    “Is she pretty?”
    “Yes. And she’s nice. I’ve just been so wrapped up in this. I haven’t had time. But I see her from time to time.”
    “Well, that’s something,” Bess said. “Woman does not live by work alone.”
    Roz laughed. “Words to live by.”
    “Yes, they are. And since you’ve asked my opinion—”
    “I don’t recall…?” The front desk bell rang once again. “Saved by the bell.”

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