Hunter's Games
moment later, the little red light on the CCTV camera goes out, signaling it’s no longer recording.
    My lawyer sits opposite me and places his briefcase on the table. I regard him for a moment. He looks younger than me, but I know for a fact he’s a few years older. I’ve not seen him in a few months, and under the circumstances, I’m very glad he's shown up. I smile at him.
    “Hey, Josh.”

    “WHY IN GOD’S name did you assault an FBI agent?” asks Josh, sitting down opposite me. “Have you completely lost your mind?”
    “It's good to see you too,” I say, smiling. “How did you get here so fast?”
    “I was in the area,” he replies, dismissively. “What happened, Adrian?”
    “I was walking out of City Hall on the phone to you when they swarmed at me from out of nowhere. They knew exactly who I was and where I’d be, I'm sure of that much.”
    “And again, what possessed you to beat up an FBI agent?”
    I look down and sigh, feeling like a guilty child being given the ‘we’re not angry, just disappointed’ speech by their parents.
    “I hit the agent trying to bring me in for questioning because he said for me to come along quietly, or else.”
    “He used those exact words?”
    Josh is quiet for a moment. “Fair enough,” he says with a dismissive shrug. “All things being considered, the guy’s lucky you didn’t kill him…”
    We both fall silent for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
    “It’s good to see you, Boss,” he says.
    “Likewise,” I say. “How did you know to come here?”
    “You know I don’t like giving away trade secrets, Boss. Don’t ask me that.”
    I stare at him until he can't hold my gaze any longer. He looks down at the table, lost in some inner turmoil, like a magician asked to reveal how he does a particular trick.
    “Just because I’m handcuffed, it doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass,” I continue.
    “Alright, fine,” he says with a reluctant sigh. “Typically, I'm never more than a couple of hours away from you when you’re on a job. I have a little Winnebago which I’ve kitted out as my own little mobile command center. Ever since Philly, I’ve tried to stay close when you’re working... y'know, just in case you need any back up or anything.”
    I stare at the wall just behind Josh, my mind flashing back to Philadelphia, eight years ago. Finding my wife and daughter murdered in our family home. The result of a drug kingpin called Wilson Trent taking revenge on me for unknowingly killing his son.
    I re-focus my gaze on Josh and smile. This guy is the closest thing I have to family. He’s always had my back, and he’s the only person other than me, that I trust with my life. But right now, I can only think about one thing.
    “You have a Winnebago?” I ask, failing suppress a laugh.
    “Ah, screw you—I like it, and it beats having to stay in all the crappy motels you sleep in.”
    We laugh together again, for a brief moment, before addressing the current predicament I’m in.
    “So what’s the score here?” he asks.
    “No idea,” I say, quite honestly. “They have my background up until I moved to Philly—they know my real name and apparently, along with every other acronym, know what I do for a living. I think the Secretary of Defense may have started talking after last year.”
    “Oh, how thoughtful of him… prick!”
    “Exactly. But apparently, the FBI wants my help with something.”
    “Okay, well let’s just see what they have to say. The way I see it, if we can do them a favor, it'll buy us a free pass this time and we can get out of here and lie low for a couple of weeks.”
    That’s why we work so well together—I’m the impulsive, violent, loud-mouthed, borderline-sociopathic member of the team; Josh is the calm, patient, sensible one. Together, we’re unstoppable.
    “Sounds like a plan,” I agree.
    Josh stands and walks over to the door. He opens it,

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