Hunter: Volume 1 (The Lillian Rayne Series)

Read Hunter: Volume 1 (The Lillian Rayne Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Hunter: Volume 1 (The Lillian Rayne Series) for Free Online
Authors: Ella Price
amused smile played at his
lips. I considered reaching for the knife I kept under my pillow, but I knew he
would stop me. He pressed his lips to mine again. I remained rigid as he
encouraged me to kiss him. His kiss became deep and desperate, almost needy. He
broke the kiss again and smiled. I was breathless, and my cheeks were flushed;
I could feel it. “So there is a blushing girl under that cold exterior,” he
teased. Before I could speak he was suddenly gone. I could breathe again.
sat up straight in my bed and looked around. Aubrey wasn’t anywhere in the room.
I groaned and I ran my fingers through my hair. It was a dream. The curtains
dancing in the breeze caught my attention. I looked at the window; it was open,
I never left the window open. I quickly reached under my pillow for the knife.
I froze when I didn’t feel my knife. It was something else. I moved the pillow
and looked at a beautiful white lily. Maybe it wasn’t a dream. The thought
unnerved me as I touched the petals of the lily. I climbed out of bed and
quickly shut and locked the window. He was awful arrogant if he thought he
could come in my room without my permission.
looked at the clock. It was a little after nine. I had slept a while. It was
time for me to get up and do something. I had half a mind to go find Aubrey and
deck him for coming in my room. I didn’t like the fact that he got so close. I
was beginning to think I was letting my guard down. I needed to train, and that
was exactly what I planned to do.

thought about Aubrey’s kiss and it made me angrier. I punched the bag as hard
as I could. I was acting like a girl again and it was irritating. I couldn’t
let a stupid kiss blind me. He was a vampire. He was a killer, and a monster.
alarm went off and fear coursed through me. I hadn’t heard that sound in a long
time. It meant something was wrong. I ran from the training room down the
stairs to my uncle’s office. I burst in without knocking. My uncle, aunt, Luca,
Kai, and Colin were surrounding Damon and Penny. They were both beat up and
is going on?” I asked starting to get worried.
jumped us. They took Tanner,” Damon said through gritted teeth. He was
obviously in pain.
could see the fear in my aunt and uncles eyes. “I will go after them,” I said
then ran back toward the stairs. I could hear Luca on my heels, but I didn’t
are you going to do? More killing won’t help anything,” he argued as he
followed me into my room.
am going to get Tanner back. I won’t attack if they don’t,” I growled as I put
my knives on. I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on. I went to leave and he
caught my arm.
you handle this is crucial to the truce. Everyone loves Tanner, but we have to
do this diplomatically.” He sounded like he was pleading with me.
nodded. “I will do what I can.” I told him what he wanted to hear so he would
let me leave. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do. I knew where I was
going I just didn’t know what I was going to do once I got there.
hurried back downstairs and Luca followed. My aunt and uncle was waiting for
me. “Don’t get yourself killed Lillian,” my uncle said firmly.
will be fine. I am just going to talk to them,” I said quickly. I couldn’t
handle their panicked looks so I hurried out.

was back in the alley I met Aubrey in. I walked to the door of the bar he had suggested
the previous night. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I stepped inside
and looked around. The place was dimly lit and all the patrons looked up at the
newcomer. They were all vampires.
do you want here hunter?” one of the males growled as he approached me.
raised my hands to show I had no weapons. “I am looking for Aubrey,” I said
looked a little startled then looked at a female vampire. “He is unavailable,” she
said watching me.
was some type of

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