How to Seduce a Band Geek

Read How to Seduce a Band Geek for Free Online

Book: Read How to Seduce a Band Geek for Free Online
Authors: Cassie Mae
forget I can tag Zak so my shirtless guy dies after about ten seconds.
    Zak’s still sitting on Zoe, yelling at me to get ready for the final round, and I’m shaking and laughing, and Levi’s looking so darn cute when he says, “Your ass is mine.”
    Take my ass! Take it, you sexy man, you!
    I almost faint behind the couch from his smile, and I press tag this time before Levi kills my character. The two guys battle it out while Zoe tries to reach the controller Zak knocked from her hands.
    “Success!” Zak says when Levi’s character falls to the ground. He stands up and shakes his butt in Zoe’s face, that light saber keychain lighting up every time it hits his body. I’m laughing so hard I fall over the couch, my head almost hitting Levi’s legs.
    “Next round?” Zak asks, once we’ve all caught our breath and I’m back on the cushion next to Levi. His leg is touching mine. Totally, one-hundred percent, full-on leg touching. It’s on fire. Seriously sending up smoke. When I look down, it’s a shade redder than my left leg, which now feels left out.
    Zoe pulls Zak back down so he’s behind her again, and they bump into mine and Levi’s amazing leg connection, and break it because Levi slides over so Zak’s not leaning on him. Boo.
    We play another few hundred rounds, no more cheating, and I’m rarely needed since Zak does just fine on his own, but my fingers are still sore by the time Dad walks through the door at 10:15.
    Zak was totally owning Zoe until his hands freeze on the controller and her character kills his about five seconds later. I almost ask him why he didn’t tag me, but on look at his white face and his bug eyes as he watches Dad make me forget what I was going to say.
    “Hey kids,” Dad says, leaning his large body on the wall. “Think we can cut it short tonight? Or keep it down? I’m beat.”
    Zoe and I nod, but it’s Zak who speaks up. “Uh, actually, I better get running.”
    Levi yawns. “Yeah, me too. School tomorrow.” Then he winks at me, and I wish I knew what it meant because I end up snort-giggling again. Holy fumble.
    Zoe and Zak get up, and Zak is shaking and shooting kind of weird glances at Dad. I want to laugh over it, but then Levi stretches. Oh wow. My mind doesn’t care about what the crap Zak is doing, because Levi’s polo rises enough for me to catch his stomach. Bare stomach! He’s got a little hair on it, and it’s dark, but I can see shadow lines from whatever muscle he’s got there. I might keel over any minute.
    He stands and extends his hand to me, like I need help off the couch. I wonder if he knew his sexy muscles made my limbs the consistency of gummy worms. There’s a static shock that zips between our hands when our skin touches, and we both jolt back and chuckle. He shakes out his hand and offers me his other one.
    When I get to my feet, I’m almost right up against his chest. Oh, to be there would be like experiencing Disneyland for the first time.
    But he takes a step back, ripping my amusement park ticket right from my fingers.
    We walk the boys to the door, and I expect another uncomfortable juicy goodbye from my sister and her boyfriend, but Zak lingers behind, and mumbles something like, “I gotta ask your dad a question.” Then he babbles off about some weird car problem or whatever. I lose interest when Levi gives Zoe a hug and then scratches his neck before giving me one too.
    Omigosh. I catch him taking a whiff of my hair. My cheeks have gotten their workout today. I may not be able to smile for weeks after tonight.
    “See you tomorrow,” he says, smiling and slipping on his shoes. I watch his cute butt all the way to his scooter.
    Zoe’s giving me this huge grin when I shut the door, and I automatically go, “What?” even though I’m pretty sure I know what she’s thinking.
    She shrugs. “Nothing.”
    We turn around and Zak’s wringing his hands together in the foyer, watching my Dad as he digs through our fridge.

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