How to Love

Read How to Love for Free Online

Book: Read How to Love for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Jamieson
low on Jules’s back, just above her ass. Carlos swallowed. Wow. They made a hot couple. He bit his lip.
    This was…interesting.
    He tried to focus on Bella, smiled at her, responded appropriately, but his heart definitely wasn’t in it. Then she seemed to sense his distraction and she followed his gaze over to Mike and Jules.
    “Oh, looks like they’re getting along well,” she said with a little laugh. “That Jules. Trust her to be all over a new guy in town.”
    Carlos narrowed his eyes. “Oh yeah?”
    Bella’s eyes widened, then she shook her head. “She can’t help it,” she said with a wry smile. She linked her arm through his once more. “She likes men. And women too, I hear. I need another drink. Come on.”
    And women too? That caught his attention. Even as Bella dragged him across the deck, his gaze remained fastened on Mike and Jules, who’d separated now. Well, their mouths anyway. They still stood close together. And then Jules turned and walked away.
    What the fuck? He watched her head down the steps and onto the sand where more people partied, some standing and talking, some dancing, some sitting near the fire. He caught Mike’s eye and lifted one eyebrow in question. Mike shrugged and met him at the bar that had been set up. They each snagged beers from the big tub full of ice.
    “What’s up, man?” Carlos asked in a low voice, Bella having been distracted by hostessing duties, getting more food from the kitchen.
    “I don’t know. She was all into it and then she ran.”
    “Did you say something to her?”
    Mike pursed his lips and looked past Carlos. “Probably. I don’t know what. She’s kind of…unpredictable.”
    Carlos gave a short laugh. “Jesus. That’s great.” Their eyes met. “You like her, don’t you?”
    “Yeah.” After a brief pause, Mike’s eyes steady on him, he said, “You?”
    Carlos nodded slowly. “Yeah. What little I know of her.”
    “Why don’t you go talk to her?”
    Carlos nodded again. “Okay.” He headed toward the beach, looking for her in the crowd, finally spotting her sitting on the sand on the far side of the fire, arms wrapped around her knees.
    She wasn’t overtly sexy. She wasn’t a tanned California blonde with long legs and big boobs. Her build was delicate, including her breasts. Her hair was dark and glossy, her skin tanned only a pale golden color. She didn’t wear a lot of makeup. Yeah, her shorts were short, but so were every other woman’s there, and the tank top she wore was loose and drapey, not skintight. But there was something about her, a confidence, a sensuality, a certain way she’d looked at him as if he was something special, that made her irresistibly attractive.
    Even as he walked toward her, some other dude dropped to the ground beside her and set a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at the guy and Carlos caught the flicker of dismay on her face.
    Carlos hesitated only a second, then continued. They had no idea if she was involved with someone. Likely not, since she’d come to the party with her friend, but still…might as well find out. And he got the distinct feeling she didn’t want to talk to this guy, whoever he was.
    He walked up to her and sat on the other side of her, the sand cool and silky soft. “Hey,” he said.
    She looked at him and smiled, first with obvious relief and then her smile turned rueful. What was that about? “Hey, Carlos. This is Josh. Josh Busher.”
    “Good to meet you.”
    The two men shook hands and Carlos felt the cool vibe from the other man. But Jules seemed glad he was there, so hell no, he wasn’t leaving. They made some small talk. Josh was apparently a San Amaro police officer. Then after a few minutes Josh rose to his feet and left them alone.
    Warmth from the fire heated Carlos’s face, the ocean breeze cooled his back. The music was quieter down here, the rhythm of the waves rushing onto shore more audible.
    “What was that about?” he asked Jules once Josh was

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