How to Find a Job: When There Are No Jobs (Book 1) a Necessary Job Search and Career Planning Guide for Today's Job Market (Find a Job Series)
towards your career goals will become enjoyable. Your energy levels will increase significantly because you have a new purpose in life. Further, as your confidence grows, your overall mental status will improve and you will become more content. Other individuals will notice that you have changed and comment on your new demeanor. You will begin to feel better about yourself because you are doing something you genuinely care about and enjoy. In order to live a happy and productive life, it is imperative that you have a career where you are doing something for which you have an internal interest.
    Pursuit of the Child
    A child to a certain point in their life does basically what he or she wants to do without reservation or consequence. We sometimes call this level of behavior the “Terrible Twos.” It is a period in the young person’s life that is uninhibited by most things. Fear is very limited and almost nonexistent at this early age. If you have ever watched a child sleeping, their arms and legs are usually spread wide open, indicating a fearless and uninhibited sleep. How wonderful and stress free those times must have been. I have five children, and they all sleep like that.
    In an effort to assist you in the discovery and acceptance of your career path, we will use the process of “Intuitive Personal Assessment” to rekindle your child-like fearlessness. Fear is our enemy for which we all battle from time to time and must attempt to conquer. “Intuitive Personal Assessment” or IPA is a career self-assessment tool that utilizes all of your life experiences coupled with your intuition to assist you with the discovery and acceptance of your career path.
    Discovering Your Career Path
    Begin to prepare yourself for the next steps of the “Intuitive Personal Assessment” process by asking yourself the following very important question: What are your specific reasons for wanting to make a career move?
    “Intuitive Personal Assessment” or IPA is an individualized, self-directed twelve-step process you create using your individuality and intuition as your guide. After having previously completed step number one of IPA, the “Strength and Weakness” exercise, you will continue the IPA process by completing steps two through five with the creation of what I have termed your “Life’s Master List.” Your master list is the culmination of four separate lists you will create that will allow you to explore areas of your life such as “Your Ideas,” “Your Skills and Talents,” “Your Interests,” and “Your Values.” Your “Life’s Master List” can be described as a detailed outline of your life’s options and aspirations. The creation of your “Life’s Master List” is an important step in the IPA process towards the successful discovery of your unique and individual career path.
    Begin this segment of IPA by allowing your mind to expand and focus on all of your thoughts and ideas. Your “Life’s Master List” may appear similar to that of a Christmas wish list. But that’s okay; you are trying to reach back into the depths of your mind to a point in your life you may have surrendered a long time ago, namely, your childhood. Do you recall your Christmas wish list as a child and how it took on mammoth proportions? There were no boundaries or limitations to what you wanted or the perception of what you could or could not have.
    Step Two: Intuitive Personal Assessment, Your Ideas
    Step Two of IPA, “Your Ideas” is the first of four lists you will develop to assist you to identify and achieve your career objectives. “Your Ideas” is a list you personally create highlighting all of your ideas. 
    * Please refer to the work sheet titled, “Your Ideas.”
    Use this worksheet to make a list of all your ideas as crazy and absurd as they may seem to you. This is the time to allow your mind to be free and list all of your ideas about anything that you have ever thought of. The

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