Hostage Zero

Read Hostage Zero for Free Online

Book: Read Hostage Zero for Free Online
Authors: John Gilstrap
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Thrillers
high-security lock. He did find a handcuff key, though, and that was enough of a reason to slip the ring into his suit-coat pocket.
    “There!” Jimmy said, pointing. “You just had it. That was the key to these fucking things.” He raised his hands as best he could and rattled his chains.
    Finished with the unconscious guard, Jonathan stood and thrust a forefinger at Jimmy Henry. “Listen to me,” he said. “This is my op, not yours. I don’t need suggestions, and I don’t need advice. My job is to get you out. Yours is to do exactly what you’re told. Tell me this isn’t too complicated for you.”
    Jimmy reared back, clearly insulted. “Dude, there’s no reason to be hostile.”
    Jonathan stepped forward until their noses were nearly touching. “I’m breaking you out of prison, shithead. There are armed guards everywhere, and I want very much to wake up alive tomorrow morning. There is every goddamn reason to be hostile.”
    The prisoner jingled as he took a step backward. “Really, dude—”
    Jonathan silenced him with a raised finger. “Remain silent, do exactly what you’re told, and don’t do anything I don’t tell you to do. Remember that, and we’ll be just fine.” He waited for the nod that confirmed that his words had penetrated. “Good. Now when we get into that hallway, we’re going to head left, and we’re going to keep going till we’re outside. Then we’re going to catch a ride out of here.”
    The prisoner cocked his head. “Just like that?”
    “Just like that.”
    His earbud popped. “Scorpion,” Venice said, “we have a problem.”

    For not being hungry, Jeremy Schuler faked it well. The way he wolfed down the mac and cheese, he was lucky he didn’t lose a finger. Ditto the baked beans and the orange pound cake. Skinny thing that he was, he scarfed more calories in a single sitting than Harvey consumed in an entire day. Clearly, he was a kid who didn’t go wanting very often. In Harvey’s experience, people who understood scarcity ate with more appreciation.
    “That was really good,” Jeremy said as he licked the last of the cake from his fingers.
    “Glad you liked it.”
    “Is there more?”
    “Not tonight.” As he spoke the denial, Harvey was half prepared for an argument, and surprised when it didn’t come. The kid merely nodded, and put his plate on his lap.
    Harvey picked up the plate and poured some boiling water onto it from the pot on the burner. With the water balanced in the center, he used a ratty dish towel to clean it off. Through it all, Jeremy said nothing. But he stared a lot, and that was annoying.
    “You got something on your mind, son, it’s best to get it out,” Harvey said.
    The observation seemed to startle the boy. “I want to go home,” he said.
    “I imagine you do,” Harvey said. “Where is home?”
    “I go to a school in Fisherman’s Cove. I live there. It’s called Resurrection House.”
    Harvey had heard of the place. It was affiliated with St. Katherine’s parish, the very one that had given him tonight’s dinner. Except he’d always thought it was an orphanage. “Well, let’s take that on in the morning. It’s a long walk, and I don’t have a car. It’s even longer in the dark.”
    “But what if they come back for me?”
    Now that was the panic-inducing question, wasn’t it? “I wouldn’t worry about that,” Harvey said. “They’ve had all day to come back for you. If they were coming, they would have come then.” Maybe if he said it definitively enough, Harvey would believe it himself. The simple truth of the matter was that Jeremy wasn’t yet ready to make that kind of trek.
    Jeremy thought for a while before asking, “Don’t you want to know what happened?”
    “Of course I do. But only if you want to tell me.”
    “I got ... kidnapped ,” he said. He stumbled on the last word, and in the uneven glare of the lantern, Harvey could see Jeremy’s eyes glistening.
    “A bunch of men

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