His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance)

Read His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance) for Free Online

Book: Read His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Evelyn Rosado
Tags: Erótica, BDSM, bondage, Erotic Romance, Billionaire, wealthy, BDSM Romance, spanking
What were we getting involved in? Was I in too deep with him? It
didn’t matter at this point – I was in. I don’t think he would have
let me turn back if I tried.
    “ There’s something you need
to see.” His voice was pensive. As his foot stepped onto the floor,
the light switch flipped and elucidated the entire room in a
rosewood hue.
    What my eyes saw my mind did not believe. I
pinched my hip to make sure I wasn’t having an Absinthe fueled
dream. I surveyed the room which looked like a haven where sexual
innocence came to die. There was a wide variety of leather masks,
whips, chains and ropes. Some looked brand new, some looked worn
and tattered. There was a black wooden bench with red handcuffs.
Behind me on the shelves were various dildos and vibrators. But in
the corner there stood some type of contraption or apparatus that I
couldn’t take my eyes off of. It had straps and bolts. It made me
quiver at the thought of what it could do…or do to me.
    “ That’s my secret weapon.”
A look of sexual mayhem covered his face. “Button, this is my
hideaway…my dungeon. I’m a dom. That means whoever I’m with is
required to enjoy submission, gratification spliced with
    I wrapped his suit jacket tightly around my
body. I didn’t know what to make of this. My heart wavered at the
thought of what went down here. Rough sex was one thing, but this
was an entirely different ballgame. No. This was too much. I can’t.
But a dark cranny of my mind was excited by what he had in store
for me. I was up for the challenge – no matter how apprehensive I
    His eyes scanned me, reluctance radiated
from me. Though fear struck enveloped my bones, there was something
reassuring about him. I knew he would never put me in harm’s way –
he would be the one to protect me.
    “ Do you submit to
    He softly placed his hand on my tender
    “ I submit.”
    “ Good, but just remember I
warned you…”
    Part Two Coming

Evelyn Rosado

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    Other Titles:
    Craving For Curves
(BBW Erotic Romance)
    Tweet Me! http://www.twitter.com/TheEvelynRosado

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    Smashwords Edition
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