His Captive Mortal
do anything to him.
    “Shall I start busting in your windows?”
    She threw the door open. “Won’t that be inconvenient for sleeping during the day?”
    He knew she’d already admitted defeat, at least to herself.
    “Why don’t you go away?”
    “Invite me in. Now, Sasha.”
    She gave a huff. He knew she had no legs to stand on and her delay was just a show of pride. “Fine, come in,” she snapped.
    He traced past her, snatching her up by the waist and hoisting her off the floor as he shut the door. She kicked her legs, thrashing and beating him with her fists. “Let. Go. Of me!”
    “Do not lock me out,” he said, genuinely irritated.
    She must have realized he meant business because her tone changed. “Wait. Stop,” she wheedled. “I’m sorry. Please calm down. I won’t. I won’t do it again, I promise!”
    He touched his fangs with the tip of his tongue but they had not lengthened. Her fear must have been simply from his expression. He drew in a deep satisfied breath, savoring the scent of fear. Not quite as delicious as the smell of arousal, fear stimulating a different, more dangerous side of his animal nature. Still pleasant and invigorating, nonetheless. All his irritation drained, knowing he had the upper hand once more.
    He plopped on the couch and pulled her onto his lap, straddling him, his hands cupping her ass. “That was a very nice apology,” he said smoothly. “I love the sound of desperation in your voice. But do you really think it’s going to get you out of punishment?”
    She relaxed, as if understanding they were back to their game. “Are you going to spank me?” 
    “I’m not sure. You look as if you might enjoy that.”
    She slapped his arm. “I would not!” she said with real passion, the passion that goes with “the lady doth protest too much.”
    He lifted her off his lap, standing her in front of him. “Pull down your pants.”
    She glared at him, sucking at her bottom lip, her face flushing.
    He expected her resistance, but when he saw the sheen of angry tears, he softened. Remembering the initial cause of her anger and his guilt, he offered, “I wouldn’t really punish you in front of the kids. Did you think I meant it?”
    Her face crumpled and she turned to dart away.
    He caught her around the waist and hauled her back to his lap.
    She shook, squeezing her lips together as if trying to hold back her tears. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest, slumping back on the couch so she lay nested against him.
    “And did you think I would hurt the little boy?” he asked rhetorically. “Really, I think a bit more trust is in order. I am a vampire, but I was human once. I would not harm the innocent.”
    She’d pulled herself together, her breath calming, her war with the tears won. She lifted her head and peered at him. “Your fangs were out,” she said accusingly.
    He remembered the moment, his instinctual reaction to seeing her in harm’s way. “For a moment, I thought you were in danger.”
    She stared, her eyes rounding. “From a little boy?”
    He gave a quick shake of his head. “Illogical, I know. I just saw you in a tussle when I walked in, and I had the urge to protect. But they only came out a little. It’s when they are fully elongated and I’m angry you must be very cautious.”
    “You...you had an urge to protect?”
    “Odd, isn’t it? Goes against my vampire nature to look out for anyone but myself.” He grinned. “I must be quite confident you can truly cure me of my curse.”
    The way her gold-flecked eyes traveled over his face with curiosity told him she didn’t quite buy his deflection. He would have to guard his feelings from the little fairy.
    “I got moved to day shift.”
    “You see? I’m not all bad.”
    “Yeah,” she said, her eyes focusing on his lips. “Thanks for making that happen.” To his utter shock, she lowered her head and kissed him.
    He surged into action, cupping her face, holding her in

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