Highlander in Her Bed

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Book: Read Highlander in Her Bed for Free Online
Authors: Allie Mackay
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy
her side, but he couldn't tell her exact position for certain because she'd pulled the coverlet to her chin.
    Only her hair identified her as the MacDougall spawn determined to claim his bed. And what hair it was, too. Temptress hair, all flame-bright curls and tousled waves. The kind of hair that made a man ache to bury his face in its richness and just inhale until he drowned in its swirling, silken strands.
    The dark, sensuous scent of her.
    A fearsome scowl threatening at the thought, he tried to look away and found that he couldn't.
    MacDougall or no, she did have glorious hair.
    Great, glossy skeins of red-gold streamed across her pillow in a blaze of color sure to bewitch the susceptible. And for one crazy-mad moment, even he wondered whether such bounty would feel as silky as it looked. Especially how such lusciousness might feel sliding across the bared flesh of his chest or certain other sensitive places.
    Not that suchlike interested him!
    The passing of so many centuries must've pickled his brain for such foolishness to even cross his mind. But then she moved again, the slight shifting only emphasizing the ripe fullness of her body, and even worse thoughts assailed him.
    Not that he could help it, for she'd rolled onto her back and stretched her arms above her head in a lascivious pose surely designed to take unfair advantage of centuries of agonizing abstemiousness.
    Feeling bedeviled indeed, Alex squirmed, his annoyance mounting when the coverings slipped to reveal twin mounds of the creamiest, most perfect breasts he'd ever seen. Full and luscious they were, and topped with deep rose-colored nipples that puckered under his stare.
    And the wench still wasn't through with her trickery!
    As if she knew she had a captive audience, she began inching her right foot up the calf of her left leg, her raised knee lifting the bedding just enough to reveal a part of her that no red-blooded man could resist gazing upon.
    And perturbed or no, Alex leaned forward, as close as he dared.
    Near enough to see quite plainly that not the barest slip of modesty shielded her secrets from view. Clamping his jaw lest he disgrace himself by groaning, he stared at the triangular thatch of red-gold curls.
    Stared, and used every shred of his willpower to remain… unaffected .
    Or at least not rage so hard he forgot his purpose.
    Blessedly, she soon lowered her knee again, and with it, the covers. So he returned his attention to her breasts, not surprised to discover them still fully bared, their peaks still puckered and thrusting.
    Heat flashing all through him, he tried to ignore the tautness in his vitals and concentrated on stifling all thought of what it might be like to graze those hardened peaks with his teeth. Suckle them until she arched her back and cried out her need for deeper, more intimate ministrations.
    Throbbing pleasures he had no business thinking about.
    And certainly not involving a MacDougall!
    His frown growing blacker by the moment, he swiped the back of his hand across his forehead. If the wench meant to tempt or shock him with her wanton display, it would not do to have her catch him with beads of perspiration misting his brow.
    " 'Tis not sitting and scowling I'd be doing in the face of such temptation," came a deep voice from the shadows.
    "And just what are you doing here?" Alex whirled around, the shock of his friend's untimely arrival making his heart plunge. "Have you naught better to do than spy on me, you black-hearted varlet?"
    "Something better to do?" Hardwin de Studley of Seagrave lounged against the doorjamb, a look of high amusement on his aristocratic face. "Nay, my friend, I cannot say that I do."
    "So I see," Alex shot back, anything but pleased.
    He should have known the womanizing scoundrel would make an appearance.
    Warring companions and friends in life, they were now assured a continuing relationship through an odd twist of fate. Like Alex, Hardwick, as the dark-visaged knight was commonly

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