
Read Hexed for Free Online

Book: Read Hexed for Free Online
Authors: Michael Alan Nelson
bag and pulled out a five-dollar bill. “I’ll bet you five dollars I can score on you in less than five seconds.”
    Ethan pulled his head back in disbelief, then he and the others burst out laughing. David stood quietly, his brow tilted in mild confusion over his pale-blue eyes.
    Ethan smirked at her. “You’re kidding, right?”
    â€œFive seconds.” Lucifer took the ball from under his arm and said, “Somebody count it down.”
    A boy with shoulder-length blond hair said, “I’ll do it. Ethan, if you get owned by a girl half your size, I’ll tell Coach to move you down to JV.”
    â€œShut up, Greg.” Ethan frowned. “You an all-star or something?” he asked Lucifer.
    Lucifer shrugged her shoulders. “Never played a day in my life. Now c’mon. Let’s see who’s the bitch.”
    Greg laughed and said, “Okay, here we go! Ready? Five—”
    As soon as Greg started counting down, Lucifer raised the ball straight over her head. Ethan reached out to snatch the ball from Lucifer’s hands, his arms uncoiling as quick as vipers. When he grabbed the ball, Lucifer let go and twisted her hips as hard as she could, bringing her shin up between his legs.
    There was the dull, wet sound of bone on flesh. The impact lifted Ethan clear off the ground, and he cried out with a sharp, brittle yelp. He seemed to hang in the air for a moment, confused and disoriented before falling to the ground in a fetal heap. The basketball fell and hit him in the head before rolling off the court, its bouncing pitter-patter the only sound in the suddenly silent gym.
    The other boys erupted in laughter. Lucifer grabbed the five-dollar bill and tossed it down at Ethan who lay on the ground clutching his privates and struggling to breathe. “You win.” She turned to David and grabbed his arm. “You, over here.”
    When they were on the far side of the court, David pulled his arm out of Lucifer’s grip. “Was that really necessary?” he asked with a small twinge of anger in his voice.
    â€œNecessary? No. Fun? Absolutely. Your friend is a jerk.”
    â€œHe’s actually a pretty sweet guy.” David’s expression twisted sideways again, his confused frown becoming even more striking than his eyes. “I’ve never seen him act like that before. I’m not sure what his problem is.”
    Lucifer looked back over her shoulder to see the other boys helping Ethan slowly back to his feet. “What can I say? I bring out the best in people.”
    â€œYeah, who are you? What’s this about Gina?”
    â€œMy name’s Lucifer and I need to know what you and Gina talked about the night she . . . got sick.”
    â€œYour name’s Lucifer?”
    Every. Single. Time.
    â€œYes, David. Now focus. What did you talk about?”
    David took a step back. “What business is that of yours?”
    Lucifer pinched the bridge of her nose. It’s my business because your girlfriend was kidnapped by a witch. She looked up and gave David an empty smile. “It’s not, David. But do you mind telling me anyway?”
    â€œGina has the flu. What could our phone call have to do with that?”
    Buck had told Lucifer that he actually liked David. Well, liked him as much as a father could like a boy who was dating his only daughter, anyway. He liked him because David was not only a star athlete; he was also one of the brightest kids in the school. So Lucifer wanted to see just how bright he really was.
    â€œDid she sound sick the last time you talked to her?” Lucifer asked.
    â€œNo, not really.”
    â€œHave you talked with her since she got sick?”
    â€œHer dad said she was too sick to talk.”
    â€œWhat about texts? E-mails?”
    Lucifer could see David working something out inside his head. “I sent her a few, but she never replied.”
    â€œNo contact at all since the

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