Hero at Large

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Book: Read Hero at Large for Free Online
Authors: Janet Evanovich
planning something sneaky—Chris was sure of it.
    Ken stretched and relaxed deeper into the couch. “This is a nice room.”
    Chris blinked at the sudden change in conversation. There was none of the earlier affectation. He seemed genuinely impressed. I don’t trust him, she thought. He’d been leading up to something. She sat up warily and paid close attention, watching his eyes as they observed the room.
    It was an airy room with ivory walls andmatching sheers. The plush wall-to-wall carpeting was a warm beige tone. The few pieces of furniture were comfortably overstuffed and covered in earth-tone tans with the exception of a cocoa-and-white houndstooth check wingback chair. The subdued colors provided the perfect background for gregarious Boston ferns, delicate asparagus ferns, potted fig trees, basketed orange trees, hanging ivies, and a colorful collection of African violets in traditional clay pots. The plants seemed to begin in the living room, randomly sprinkled here and there, picking up momentum and becoming more dense as they progressed toward the dining room, where they converged around the patio doors.
    Ken’s attention focused on a cluster of photographs hanging on the wall. “Do you mind if I look at the pictures in your dining room?”
    Aunt Edna jumped to her feet. “You want to see the pictures?”
    Chris groaned. This was not a good sign.
    â€œThis here’s a photograph of some sailing ships. Chris got this when we went vacationing in Maine last year. And this here’s a picture of me when I was a little girl. Wasn’t I a pip? Just look at those ribbed stockings. This is an elephant at the zoo, and this is a picture Lucy drew when we came home.”
    Ken looked at the crayon drawing of a smiling elephant. It had been framed and matted with the same professional care as all the other pictures. He tilted his head in Chris’ direction. “Your daughter must feel very special to have her drawing on this wall.”
    Chris caught her breath at the enigmatic softening in his eyes, the tender huskiness of his voice.
    Edna puffed up with pride. “It’s a beauty of an elephant, isn’t it? She can draw anything. She’s got real talent.”
    â€œLike her mom.” Ken smiled at Edna.
    â€œThe spitting image.” Edna pointed to a photograph of a little girl hanging upside down from a tree limb. Her orange hair hung in wild curls that hadn’t seen a comb all day. She wore pink shorts, smudged with mud. Her sneakers were battered, her shoelaces untied, and she was laughing and closing her eyes tight in childish abandon.
    Ken laughed with the photograph. “Is this Lucy?”
    â€œYep. But it might as well have been her mother. She looked just like that when she was seven.”
    His attention wandered to the bowl of cut flowers in the middle of the dining room table. He ran his finger over the table’s freshly polished surface.“You’ve done a lot to make this a home. I wish I had a home like this.”
    Little alarm bells sounded in Chris’ brain. There was a genuine wistfulness to his voice, which she didn’t doubt, but his eyes were filled with mischief and cunning.
    â€œHaven’t you got a home?” Edna exclaimed.
    He shook his head. “I’ve been doing a lot of traveling because of my job. I haven’t had much time to gather the things together that make a house a home.”
    â€œMaybe Chris could help you. Where do you live? Do you have a house of your own?”
    â€œThere’s this place out in Loudoun County where I stay sometimes.”
    â€œLoudoun County. That’s a ride.”
    He nodded. “It would be much more convenient for me if I lived around here.” He delicately draped his good arm around Edna’s shoulders. “I have a confession to make. Ever since I walked into this house, I’ve been toying with an idea. I have two problems—I

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