Her Christmas Hero (Home To Dover 6)
looked at Linc for an explanation.
    “I coach a kid’s football team. It’s through the church.” He shrugged. “My brother Gil is actually the coach, but I took it over when he went to Mobile. We practice twice a week after school and our games are on Saturdays. The cost is reasonable. Basically for a shirt and registration fees.”
    His offer surprised her. “Football. I don’t know, Evan. It’s a rough sport.” Her expression must have revealed her concern because Linc hastened to explain.
    “It’s flag football, Gemma. No helmets or pads, no tackling. They wear a belt with tear-away flags on each side. They pull the flags to tackle.”
    That sounded safe. “Well, I’ll think about it.”
    Evan looked up at her with soulful eyes. “Please, Mom.”
    How could she refuse? This was what she’d hoped for when she’d moved here. But why did the offer have to involve Linc?
    Linc ruffled Evan’s hair. “Come to the house and I’ll give you the registration packet to look over. It explains everything. And if you still have concerns you can come to the game this Saturday and see how it works.”
    His consideration surprised her. Being on a team would be good for Evan. It would help him make friends and boost his confidence. She’d been too busy running her own business to find the time to take him to ball practices. Something else he’d missed out on. Along with not having a dad. “All right.” She started across the lawn. Evan hurried ahead, leaving her and Linc to walk together. “Thank you for playing with him.”
    “You didn’t think I’d remember, did you?”
    “No. I didn’t.”
    One dark eyebrow arched. “So is it just me or do you not trust people in general?” Without waiting for an answer he pushed open the door and went inside.
    Gemma stepped into the grand foyer, her interest immediately captivated by the beauty of the burled-wood panels on the walls and the broad staircase with its stained glass window on the landing. The scent of furniture polish and old wood lay thick in the air and was a testament to the loving care the home had received over the years. But what struck her most profoundly was the sense of warmth and welcome that embraced her.
    Her parents’ home was large, but sleek and formal. It had been featured in a design magazine once. But no one would ever call it homey or welcoming.
    Linc appeared from a doorway on the left, holding a sheet of paper in his hand. “This should tell you everything you need to know. Unfortunately the season has already started so he won’t get to play all the games listed here, but I think he’ll enjoy it.” He smiled at Evan. “The boy runs fast.”
    Evan beamed. “Can I play this weekend?”
    Gemma swallowed the lump in her throat. It had been a long time since she’d seen him so happy, and she owed it to Linc’s kindness. “I’ll do my best.”
    Evan let out a whoop.
    Linc grinned. “Just get me the paperwork and I’ll make sure he plays. We can borrow a shirt if we have to.”
    Gemma squeezed her son’s shoulder. “Then, we’d better get back home and start filling out forms.”
    “Thanks, Mr. Linc.”
    “You’re welcome, buddy.” The pair shared a high five.
    “Hey, Mr. Linc, do you know a kid named Cody Fenelli?”
    “I do. His family lives up the road. His dad and I went to college together. Why?”
    “I want him to come and play. Is that okay? I mean, this being your house and all.”
    “Of course. I’ll give them a call. He’s on the team, too.”
    “Really? Oh, wow, this is so cool.” Evan dashed out and back to the cottage.
    Gemma walked to the door, searching for the right words to express her appreciation. “Thank you for this. He’s had a rough time of things lately. Playing on a team with other boys is an answer to my prayers.”
    Linc set his hands on his hips, a half smile moving his lips. “I’ve never been an answer to a prayer before.”
    She pressed her lips together. Leave it to him to think the

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