Hellspawn (Book 1)

Read Hellspawn (Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Hellspawn (Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Ricky Fleet
Tags: Zombies
waiting around the corner. The elderly lady was returning, and at the sight of him in this condition, decided on another route to the checkout. She backtracked, and disappeared out of sight down the next aisle. Taking a deep breath, he rubbed a sleeve across his eyes hard enough to make the skin sting. Kurt tried to switch his mind to his wife and child, who needed him just as much, if not more.
    Looking at the shelves, he thought through the best stuff to purchase, bread, fruit, and milk. No, all perishables, and if they are stuck indoors for a while, pointless. Canned goods? Long life stuff, fruit and meats, that sort of thing would keep well. Rice, pasta, beans, powdered milk. The list was growing in his mind, and he was grabbing at the foods, stocking the trolley high, hurrying down the aisle towards the tills. The checkout staff had just finished serving the elderly lady, who still regarded him with a look of mild scorn, as she made her way out through the entrance.
    “Hi,” said the girl, smiling and casting a bemused glance at the trolleys contents. She had blonde hair, pretty green eyes and was no more than eighteen years old. She wore purple nail varnish on fingernails that had been bitten to the quick.
    Kurt transferred the goods, bit by bit, into the small space that stood to the side of the till. The young girl scanned each item, and placed it into bags, which Kurt then took and put on the floor by his side.
    “That’s a hundred and eighty three pounds, forty five pence, please. Having a stock up?” she asked cheerfully, trying to make conversation while the debit card processed.
    “Yeah.” Kurt couldn’t summon any more words, the conversation with his dad playing again in his mind. He put the debit card in his pocket and stood there, lost in thought for a few moments.
    The girl behind the counter cocked her head quizzically, “Are you ok?” she asked, with a look of genuine concern on her face. She must have noticed the red rimmed eyes and reticence to talk.
    “Do you have Facebook?” Kurt asked quietly, face lowered.
    “Of course, doesn’t everyone?” she replied, but a note of caution had entered her voice, as if she was worried this wild eyed stranger might ask for her personal details.
    “Please look at your feed, load up what food you can and get home to your loved ones. Lock the doors and keep them locked.” Kurt picked up the bags and walked toward the door. The second girl, who had been stocking the drinks shelf to the left of the checkout, made her way to the blonde, curious at what had transpired. Kurt left them checking their phones as the doors slowly shut behind him.
    Looking around everything seemed normal, still he paused and listened for noises that didn’t belong. Was that a faint yell, a trick of his hearing or just the wind? Rushing to his vehicle, Kurt unlocked it and opened the sliding door to the side. Heaving the heavy bags up, he laid them onto the floor and slammed the door shut. Looking back, he was happy to see hurried activity inside the store. The young girls had taken his advice and were locking the main doors. Their eyes met, and a look of gratitude flashed between them, a quick smile and then she was gone, down the aisles grabbing food. A small, warm glow flared inside him at making a difference, however small.
    Climbing into the driver’s seat, Kurt took out his phone, looked at the blank screen and checked that there was no missed activity. There were no messages. He tried calling his dad; it rang, and rang, and rang. Again, he got the voicemail. Kurt closed his eyes.  He saw too much on the screen of his mind and opened them. Starting the engine, he carefully backed out and turned onto the road that led to Andrews Community School. With how fast this was going to hell, he planned to meet Sarah and Sam there and make sure they got home together, as a family.

Chapter 6
    Sam sat in class. His chair was made of hard, black plastic and the desk top

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