Heidi Vanlandingham - Lucie: Bride of Tennessee (American Mail-Order Bride 16)
Lucie’s fragile body into his arms, cradling her against his chest as if she were a piece of fine china. Her moan turned into a small whimper as he jostled her bruised body. A dark fury roared through him.
    Her large hazel eyes opened for a moment then closed, her head rolling underneath his jaw. He didn’t know what to think anymore. Lucie had a refreshing innocence about her, which pulled at something deep inside him. He didn’t know whether to protect her, kiss her, or run away.
    Shoving the disturbing realization from his mind, he headed for the stairway, annoyed with the direction of his thoughts regarding the woman in his arms. Catching Janssen’s wide-eyed gaze, he hollered, “Find my mother—she’s probably visiting with the parson’s wife. And get Doc Brown!” As gently as possible, he climbed the stairs…yet each step was a jolt to her tiny frame, eliciting more whimpers.
    “John, the room key’s in my left coat pocket.”
    The sheriff pulled out the key then unlocked the door to Martha’s small suite, barely getting the door opened before Sebastian barged past him.  He carried her into his old bedroom and laid her as gently as he could on the bed.  
    He took a step back and ran nervous fingers through his hair as he and the sheriff stared down at her battered face and body. Her dark brown hair looked almost black as it fanned out over the goose-feather pillow. Even with a swollen cheek, she was still beautiful. He wanted her to open her eyes so he could see for himself that she was going to be okay.
    His gaze skimmed over her filthy dress, the blue material now gray from the dirt. The lace around her collar had been pulled away and the shoulder seam ripped. The skirt front was also torn in a couple of places, and he could see splotches of dark red blood as well.
    “Who in their right mind would do somethin’ like this? She’s such a sweet thing,” the sheriff mumbled.
    “Jack Beauregard did this to her.” Sebastian said, uncomfortable with his rioting feelings. After Maggie left him and their daughter, the last thing he needed was the complication of a woman. He’d vowed he’d never marry again…but as he stared down at Lucie, confusion filled his mind.
    “Sebastian?” His mother rushed through the bedroom door, worry bleeding from her frantic gaze. “What happened? Is it Stella?”
    “No, Mother, Stella is fine.” He moved away from the side of the bed, letting her see Lucie.
    “Oh dear.”
    A knock sounded in the other room, and he heard the low rumble of the doctor’s voice. Martha hurried into the other room to greet him. “Thank goodness. The young lady is in here.”
    Martha led the doctor into the room then, with a wave of her arm, shooed Sebastian and John out of the room. “Let Dr. Brown take care of Lucie.” Once they were seated on the light green chaise, she stood in front of them, fists propped against her slender hips. “Did Jack Beauregard do this to her?” she demanded.
    “Now wait a minute!” Sheriff Gurley growled at her, his face red. “Did you know something about this and not come to me?”
    “I’ve only suspected something for less than two hours, so don’t yell at me! Besides, you were down at the docks. It was faster for me to get Sebastian. Poor Lucie might have been killed if I’d gone after you.” Martha said, her blue eyes flashing.
    Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “Can we get back to what happened? Please?” He looked from one to the other than poured himself a drink, offering one to John.
    He shook his head. “I’m on duty.”
    “You’re always on duty.”
    The sheriff shrugged. “In that case, pour me a double. I have the feeling I’m not going to like what I’m about to hear.”
    Sebastian leaned against the wall, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. “Mother had gone to visit Lucie—see how she was doing—and overheard Beauregard yelling at her—”
    “It sounded like he threw her against the

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