
Read Heartstone for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Heartstone for Free Online
Authors: C. J. Sansom
    'How are you?' he asked.
    'Well enough. And you?'
    'Very busy just now.'
    'And how is the Queen?' I noticed the grey-haired woman was staring at me intently, and that she was trembling slightly.
    'Very well. I will take you in now. The Lady Elizabeth is with her.'

    I N THE SUMPTUOUSLY decorated privy chamber, four richly dressed maids-in-waiting with the Queen's badge on their hoods sat sewing by the window. Outside were the palace gardens, patterned flower beds and fishponds and statues of heraldic beasts. All the women rose and nodded briefly as I bowed to them.
    Queen Catherine Parr sat in the centre of the room, on a red velvet chair under a crimson cloth of state. Beside her a girl of about eleven knelt stroking a spaniel. She had a pale face and long auburn hair, and wore a green silken dress and a rope of pearls. I realized this was the Lady Elizabeth, the King's younger daughter, by Anne Boleyn. I knew the King had restored Elizabeth and her half-sister Mary, Catherine of Aragon's daughter, to the succession the year before, it was said at the Queen's urging. But their status as bastards remained; they were still ladies, not princesses. And though Mary, now in her twenties, was a major figure at court and second in line to the throne after young Prince Edward, Elizabeth, despised and rejected by her father, was hardly ever seen in public.
    Warner and I bowed deeply. There was a pause, then the Queen said, 'Welcome, good gentlemen,' in her clear rich voice.
    Before her marriage Catherine Parr had always been elegantly dressed, but now she was magnificent in a dress of silver and russet sewn with strands of gold. A gold brooch hung with pearls was pinned to her breast. Her face, attractive rather than pretty, was lightly powdered, her red-gold hair bound under a circular French hood. Her expression was kindly but watchful, her mouth severe but somehow conveying that in a moment it could break into a smile or laugh in the midst of all this magnificence. She looked at Warner.
    'She is outside?' she asked.
    'Yes, your majesty.'
    'Go sit with her, I will call her in shortly. She is still nervous?'
    'Then give her what comfort you can.' Warner bowed and left the room. I was aware of the girl studying me closely as she stroked the spaniel. The Queen looked across at her and smiled.
    'Well, Elizabeth, this is Master Shardlake. Ask your question, then you must go to your archery lesson. Master Timothy will be waiting.' She turned back to me with an indulgent smile on her face. 'The Lady Elizabeth has a question about lawyers.'
    I turned hesitantly to the girl. She was not pretty, her nose and chin too long. Her eyes were blue and piercing, as I remembered her father's. But, unlike Henry's, Elizabeth's eyes held no cruelty, only an intense, searching curiosity. A bold look for a child, but she was no ordinary child.
    'Sir,' she said in a clear, grave voice, 'I know you for a lawyer, and that my dear mother believes you a good man.'
    'Thank you.' So she called the Queen mother.
    'Yet I have heard it said that lawyers are bad folk, with no morals, who will argue a wicked man's case as readily as a good one's. People say lawyers' houses are built on the heads of fools, and they use the tangles of the law as webs to ensnare the people. What say you, sir?'
    The girl's serious expression showed she was not mocking me, she truly wished to hear my answer. I took a deep breath. 'My lady, I was taught it is a good thing for lawyers to be ready to argue the case of any client, indifferently. A lawyer's duty is to be impartial, so that every man, good or bad, may have his rights faithfully argued before the King's courts.'
    'But lawyers must have consciences, sir, and know in their hearts whether the cause they argue be just or no.' Elizabeth spoke emphatically. 'If a man came to you and you saw he acted from malice and spite against the other party, wished merely to entangle him in the thorny embrace of the law, would

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