Heart of the Incubus

Read Heart of the Incubus for Free Online

Book: Read Heart of the Incubus for Free Online
Authors: Rosalie Lario
Tags: paranormal romance
been followed on the train?”
    Her brows knitted together. “I don’t know. I didn’t notice anyone, but there were so many people. I suppose it would have been easy for anyone to hide in the crowd.”
    All too easy. Now they had no way of knowing if she’d been trailed or if the stalker had discovered where she lived by some other method.
    “I guess I should have waited for you, huh?” she whispered.
    While he couldn’t disagree, he didn’t want her to feel guilty about it. “None of this is your fault. The blame lies squarely with the sick son of a bitch who’s doing all this.”
    Genevieve’s eyes took on a haunted look. “What am I going to do?”
    “Hey, it’s okay.” He reached over and took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over her fingers to warm them up. “I’m gonna help you figure this out. Promise.”
    “Thank you.” She took a deep breath and dropped her gaze to his lips. When her breath hitched, he stilled at the thrum of energy that started to build between them. This was so unlike her normal expression of disgust for him. He didn’t quite know what to make of it.
    Without him willing it, his incubus allure seeped out of his pores and thickened the air between them. Her body responded, her lower lip wobbling and her nipples hardening to stiff buds that poked against the silky fabric of her robe. Not that she had a choice. Sex demon allure was almost impossible to resist.
    Aw hell, he needed sex. Needed it like he needed air to breathe. Ever since the holiday party he’d started to go longer without it, testing the boundaries of his resistance. This time it had been three weeks. Soon his body would begin to shut down from lack of nutrition. He would grow weaker and weaker. Even now, knowing that Genevieve was responding only to his allure and not because she had any personal interest in him, his incubus side longed to lay her down and fuck her senseless.
    Genevieve trembled and inched toward him. “Cresso…”
    The knock on her door startled them both into jumping. He managed to fold his allure back into his pores, and she tugged her hands out of his. Her eyes darkened with suspicion.
    Great . Now she thought he’d tried to take advantage of her. He hadn’t—at least not consciously.
    She rose and glanced toward the door, pressing her palms together. “I don’t know who that could be.”
    “Sorry, I forgot to mention I called that detective I told you about. He’s gonna take a look around and ask you some questions.” Cresso rose and headed to the door, throwing it open to reveal Mac. After making the necessary introductions, he gestured toward the porch. “Gen, you stay in here.”
    Her mouth tightened at his words. “It’s my house, my stalker. I’m going out with you two.”
    “Suit yourself.” He’d wanted to save her the horror of having to look at those rats again, but if the woman was going to be so damn stubborn about it, there was nothing he could do.
    Mac led the way to the pile of rats and squatted before them. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.
    Genevieve pressed against Cresso’s side. He was pretty sure she didn’t even realize she was doing it.
    “What’s he doing?” she whispered.
    “He’s a wolf-shifter. His strongest sense by far is the ability to smell.”
    “He won’t pick up on anything,” she said. “The rats reeked of formaldehyde.”
    Huh . Cresso couldn’t smell anything, but he believed her. Scenting chemicals was part of her gift.
    After several moments, Mac shook his head and rose. “Whoever did this wore gloves and used chemicals to hide his scent. All I get off the rats is the smell of formaldehyde and rubber.”
    Shit . As Cresso had feared. Whoever her stalker was, he wasn’t a fool.
    Could he be another one of the scientists at the lab?
    Mac motioned toward the interior of the house. “I’m gonna check inside to see if I pick up any unusual scents. Once I’m done, I’ll want to ask the lady a few questions about

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