beside him and carefully removed it, smoothing it against his own palm. It told him the manâs identity more clearly than anything else could have done. Why had those in thrall to Cadmusâ song left him this token? It couldnât have been out of kindness, not with that hateful spell making every heart pump in rhythm.
Maybe they had wanted to break his spirit, as well. Drake considered the manâs expression, which was determined even in death, and doubted their success.
He tucked the photograph into his pocket with care.
â Take him to the embassy ,â he instructed Alexander in old-speak.
â I will not leave you .â
Drake levelled a look at his second. â This viper is mine .â
Alexander stared at Drake for a moment, then inclined his head.
â I condemned you all once ,â Drake said more kindly. â Now I defend you, as is my responsibility. He is our work left undone and I would finish what was begun .â
Alexander stepped back, more willingly this time, and a shudder rolled through his body in the same instant. The viper was affecting him, even with his ears blocked.
â Go in haste ,â Drake instructed. â If I do not return by sunrise, the command is yours .â
Alexander caught his breath, then moved quickly to do as instructed. No sooner had they moved Maitlandâs body than Drake shifted shape again. The viperâs song grew louder and more seductive. Drake roared, then swung his tail. The cinderblock wall cracked along the mortar lines on the first blow, crumbling on the fourth strike.
The words poured from the darkness beyond. The space was small. Although he would have preferred to have continued in dragon form, for his keener senses, the constraints of space did not allow it. He shifted, with reluctance.
Drake stepped through the gap in human form, smelled the dank darkness, and jammed cotton into his ears before he moved forward with purpose. Cadmusâ song grew more vehement, winding into Drakeâs thoughts as if there was no impediment.
Could he hold fast to do what had to be done?
He would triumph or he would die in the attempt.
Either way, Veronica would have her truth.
The spell of enchantment slid into Drakeâs head, filling his mind with thoughts that were not his own. Every step made the words more persuasive. Every level he descended seemed to add to the resonance of the spell.
Was he not tired? Was he not worn down by his efforts? His shoulder was sore, his feet hurt and his knuckles were bleeding. Could he not simply sleep? He could sit down, right in this cave, and rest for a while .
It would be harmless .
Inevitable .
Sensible .
Drake shouldered on, knowing a spell when he heard one.
The tunnels became darker and colder, secreted deep in the earth. He found marks of the viperâs passing, and felt the vibration of its hateful song beneath his feet. He thought of all the suffering it had created and marched on.
Why did he want to save humans, when they could do so much ill to each other? He could imagine what had been done to Cassandra, and to Theo, all at the hands of the people of their village. They had always been afraid of him and his powers. Had that fear been turned against his family? Had they been destroyed because of their association with him?
Because of his absence?
He should never have left them. He should never have hunted vipers. He should never have meddled in events that were not his to influence.
He could stop now.
Drake felt Cadmusâ words find a resonance within him, turning his love for his family into something far less fine, but he fought the spell with all his heart and soul.
And what of now? What need had he of a purpose to his life? He could join Cadmus. He could use his powers for vengeance. He could kill more men than had already died on this day. He could extract a blood toll in honor of Veronicaâs loss .
Then he could claim this entire territory as