Hannah (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #2)
Hannah wrestled with the want to tell him what was going on, but knew that he’d only think she was nuts, and possibly drive him away even faster than she already was. Her mixed feelings continued as they arrived at the entrance of the Mokara.
    Fuck, what the hell am I supposed to do? Hannah floundered in conflict.
    “Thanks, for the interesting evening,” Dominic said, saving Hannah from her indecision.
    “Look, I’m really sorry,” Hannah blurted. “I wish things had gone differently.”
    Dominic laughed. “Don’t be.” He looked at her hand as if he was going to take it, but backed away instead. “Have a good evening Ms. Ward.”
    It was Hannah’s turn to look crestfallen. She’d hoped... Well, she didn’t really know what she hoped, but it wasn’t what was happening now. She watched him disappear into the night before she pushed through the door into the lobby.
    How the hell did Alix deal with this? she thought, as she shuffled to the elevator and jabbed the up button. Hannah scoffed, remembering the text she’d read about the guardian touch, “A slight tingling sensation, possibly accompanied by the urge to have coitus...” My ass . She stepped into the elevator, feeling more frustrated than when she and Dominic had released hands outside the club. We are definitely going to have to update that section of the history books .
    Just as the metal doors were closing, Dominic slid into the elevator, and crashed against the back wall.
    “Holy shit!” Hannah gasped.
    “Sorry,” Dominic breathed. He’d obviously been running. Even so, he continued to speak between gasps. “I just realized... that I didn’t get... your number.” He smiled. “I’d still like to get in touch... when I come to your hometown, if that’s alright with you.”
    Hannah stood in opened-mouth silence, not sure what to say. She thought she’d seen the last of him, but, suddenly, there he was, standing in all his perfection, right in front of her. Her mouth moved without voice until finally she managed, “Yeah. That’s okay with me.”
    White teeth flashed from that brilliant smile of his. Dominic pulled out his smartphone and started tapping. His dexterous fingers glided across the surface of the phone with practiced ease as he navigated to the correct screen.
    Plagued with self-doubt, but determined, Hannah stepped to the control panel of the elevator and pushed the button to her floor. She took a deep breath to steady herself as the doors slid closed without interruption.
    Dominic frowned in confusion. “What’s up?”
    “I have some business cards in my room,” she said, looking over her shoulder. “It has my address on it as well.” He had to know that she was running a line of total bullshit, and that he could have entered all of that information into his phone, but now that she had committed to getting him up to her room, she didn’t really care. In fact, those six years of penned-up frustration fueled her desire to throw caution to the wind. She had promised herself a good time on this trip, and she’d already let it slip through her fingers once this evening. She wouldn’t do so again—consequences be damned.
    Dominic seemed on the verge of saying something, but hesitated.
    Hannah turned her head to face the doors, hoping to silence any argument. Her tactic must have worked, because no noise, other than his strong breathing, filled her ears as the elevator rose to her floor. She could feel his gaze on her, and hoped that he liked what he saw. She definitely liked what she’d seen of him.
    The elevator slowed, making Hannah’s stomach drop. That little voice of doubt in the back of her head began yelling at her to abandon ship, but she did her best to ignore it. The doors opened onto her floor with a soft rattle, and she smirked. Too late now .
    “This is nice,” Dominic said, as they got off the elevator, and walked up to Hannah’s door. “I’ve always wondered what this place looked like on the

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