Hannah in the Spotlight

Read Hannah in the Spotlight for Free Online

Book: Read Hannah in the Spotlight for Free Online
Authors: Natasha Mac a'Bháird
something like Fame Club?’ suggested Laura. ‘ Fame was this eighties TV show about teenagers who wanted to be on the stage. My mum used to love it, she has all the DVDs.’
    ‘It’s on the right track, but I think we need an original idea if we can manage it,’ I said.
    I was tapping my notebook with my sparkly pen as I spoke. I glanced down at the starry pattern on the notebook, and that’s when inspiration struck. ‘How about Star Club?’
    ‘That’s perfect!’ Ruby said.
    ‘Yes, I like it,’ Laura said slowly. ‘It’s fun, and it’s not too restrictive. It could include Ruby’s ballet as well, not just drama.’
    Meg was nodding too. ‘Sounds just right. Nice one, Hannah.’
    I wrote it in big letters at the top of my page: STAR CLUB. It looked great!
    ‘OK. I hereby call the first meeting of Star Club toorder. Now, has anyone got any ideas for us?’
    I was dying to share my ideas, but I was determined not to take over the meeting, so I wanted to let everyone else go first.
    ‘Could we try to put on a ballet?’ Ruby said. ‘Just a simple one,’ she added quickly, seeing all our faces.
    ‘No way,’ Laura said. ‘I did ballet for two years, and I hated it. I begged Mum to let me stop, and it was only when the teacher told her I had two left feet that she finally gave in. I’m just no good at it.’
    ‘I did a bit of ballet and I was OK at it, but I’m definitely not good enough to be in a show,’ Meg said.
    ‘Me neither. Sorry, Ruby,’ I said. ‘But maybe we can do some sort of variety show, with different acts, and your act could be a ballet dance. Or we could work it into a play some way.’
    ‘Anyway, I thought you’d be glad to do something different,’ Laura said. ‘It’s ballet, ballet, ballet, all day long with you. There are other things in the world, you know. It might do you good to try something else!’
    Ruby looked set to argue. She doesn’t take criticism of her beloved ballet very well, so I thought I’d better smooth things over.
    ‘We’ll all be trying something new here, that’s part of the fun,’ I said quickly. ‘But like I said, I’m sure ballet can come in somewhere. So, any other ideas?’
    ‘How about acting out some scenes from Little Women ?’ Laura said.
    ‘Yes, I thought of Little Women too,’ I said. ‘It would be perfect for us because it’s got four sisters in it. And we even have a Meg already – and an aspiring writer.’
    ‘Four girls sounds great. I’ve been wondering about that, actually,’ said Meg. ‘Do you think it’s going to be a problem that we are all girls? What will we do about parts that should be played by boys?’
    Ruby made a face. ‘Well, we’re not inviting any boys to join, that’s for sure!’
    Ruby thinks boys are smelly, annoying and generally a huge pain. This comes from having brothers. Mum always smiles and says give her a bit of time and her opinions will soon change. Ruby insists that they won’t.
    ‘Let’s just keep it to the four of us for now,’ I said. ‘Maybe in the future we’ll need boys to get involved in shows or whatever, but they don’t have to be a part of the club. We’re just getting started anyway, we need to find out what we really want to do first.’
    ‘There are tons of things we can do that don’t need boys, anyway,’ Laura said.
    ‘If we do have boys in the story we can play those parts ourselves. That’s part of being a good actor,’ Meg put in.
    ‘That’s OK then,’ Ruby said, sounding relieved. ‘I’ve got more than enough boy trouble in my life just now.’
    We all laughed.
    ‘So, we’ll stick to things that have mostly girl roles for now,’ I said. ‘Should we do like Laura suggested and use a book for inspiration, or try to write something ourselves?’
    ‘Any talented writers in the house?’ Ruby asked, using a pencil case as a pretend loudhailer.
    We all looked at Laura, who immediately started blushing. ‘I’m working on something, but it’s not

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