Halfway to Perfect

Read Halfway to Perfect for Free Online

Book: Read Halfway to Perfect for Free Online
Authors: Nikki Grimes
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    Text copyright © 2012 by Nikki Grimes.
    Illustrations copyright © 2012 by R. Gregory Christie.
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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Grimes, Nikki. Halfway to perfect : a Dyamonde Daniel book / Nikki Grimes; illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. p. cm. Summary: Despite what Dyamonde and Free say, Damaris worries that she is getting fat, until a classmate’s problem with diabetes causes her to change her thoughts about body image.
    [1. Body image—Fiction. 2. Diabetes—Fiction. 3. Schools—Fiction. 4. African Americans—Fiction.] I. Christie, R. Gregory, 1971– ill. II. Title.
    PZ7.G88429Hal 2012  [E]—dc23  2011045960
    ISBN: 978-1-101-65727-0


For Eden Del Valle,
who is perfect in every way.
    To Amy “Amethyst” Hagan

“Young readers will wish they had a friend like Dyamonde.”
Kirkus Reviews

The World of Dyamonde Daniel

    This third-grader loves food, especially her mom’s home cooking! Dyamonde is super smart, but even she doesn’t have all the answers—and she wonders why looks are so important to some people.

    Dyamonde’s best friend has a bottomless stomach—this boy sure can eat. He can’t imagine going on a diet. He always has room for more!

    She has a million amazing qualities, but lately she’s been feeling less than sure of herself—so it might be time for Dyamonde to remind her that she’s perfect just the way she is.

    Amberline acts like she doesn’t want any friends. She doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks of her, but could there be more to her story than her classmates realize?
    The Three T’s

    Tanya, Tylisha and Tameeka talk about the most ridiculous things, like how important it is to look and act a certain way. They haven’t yet learned that it’s what’s inside that counts.
    Dyamonde’s mom

    Nothing beats her spaghetti and meatballs, except maybe her Saturday morning pancakes. But sometimes she has to remind her super-smart daughter that veggies are great, too!

Spaghetti Heaven
    You’d never know it to look at her skinny little self, but Dyamonde loves food. If there were a class in eating, she’d get an A plus every

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