
Read Guilty for Free Online

Book: Read Guilty for Free Online
Authors: Ann Coulter
sympathizers of white supremacists because some of the directors of the CCC had, decades earlier, been leaders of a segregationist group, the Citizen Councils of America, which were founded in 1954. There is no evidence on its Web page that the modern incarnation of the CCC supports segregation, though its “Statement of Principles” offers that the organization opposes “forced integration” and “efforts to mix the races of mankind.” But mostly the principles refer to subjects such as a strong national defense, the right to keep and bear arms, the traditional family, and an “America First” trade policy. 44
    Apart from some aggressive reporting on black-on-white crimes— the very crimes that are aggressively hidden by the establishment media—there is little on the CCC website suggesting that the group is a “thinly veiled white supremacist” organization, as the
New York Times
calls it in one of its more charitable descriptions. At least the crimes reported on the CCC's Web page actually happened, as opposedto the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's claim that the U.S. government invented AIDS to kill blacks.
    Republicans Senator Trent Lott and Representative Bob Barr did nothing more than give speeches to the CCC, yet they were forever damned by their association with it. Neither man even belonged to the CCC, nor did they attend CCC meetings once a week for twenty years. They certainly didn't have their daughters baptized by CCC activists.
    But according to the establishment media, Lott and Barr were fully responsible for the decades-old affiliations of some of the directors of a group … because they spoke at the CCC. As the media's hysteria about the CCC reached a fever pitch, a
editorial howled about “fresh evidence of the persistence of racism” on the part of Lott based on his “links to the white separatist group called the Council of Conservative Citizens.” The
New York Times
was shocked by the group's “thinly veiled white supremacist agenda,” but was somewhat more accepting of the completely unveiled racism of Obama's preacher. 45 One surmises that the CCC's thin veil of white supremacy would have become a bit thicker had Democratic congressman Dick Gephardt ever been a serious candidate for president. In the 1970s, he had spoken to a branch of the related, but more outré, Citizen Councils of America. 46 That, and the fact that he's a preposterous boob, are probably the only two things that kept Dick Gephardt out of the White House.
    After the initial flurry of articles, editorials, and news stories in the
excitedly reporting that Barr had spoken to the CCC, Democratic representative Bob Wexler introduced a resolution in Congress for the sole purpose of denouncing the Council of Conservative Citizens. 47 Other than the 9/11 terrorists, the CCC may be the only group ever singled out for denunciation in a congressional resolution. How about a resolution from Obama pom-pom girl Wexler on Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ?
    When Barr later gave a speech on the House floor favorably citing President John F. Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy's son, Representative Patrick Kennedy, got in Barr's face, shouting, “How dare you! Anybody who has been to a racist group has no right invoking myuncle's memory!” 48 Liberals are now reserving the right to tell us which former presidents we can mention by name.
    Barr had given a speech to a group that, even assuming everything that the Southern Poverty Law Center says about it is true, does not hold a candle to the racism of Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama was married by the Reverend Wright, his daughters were baptized by the Reverend Wright, Obama gave his second autobiography the title of one of the Reverend Wright's sermons. And yet after decades of majoring in Guilt by Association, liberals were indignant when an ad on cable television linked Obama and the Reverend

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