Grit and Grace: A Metal and Men Novella (Metal and Men Series Book 1)

Read Grit and Grace: A Metal and Men Novella (Metal and Men Series Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Grit and Grace: A Metal and Men Novella (Metal and Men Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Anthony Eichenlaub
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Western, cyberpunk, gun
had we been partners? I couldn't remember. What was our first mission? It was all blank. A sea of images and memories were jumbled up in my head. Who's side was I on anyway?
    My own side. That had always been the answer. I was sure of it. No matter what memories I was missing, there was one thing I knew for sure: there was nobody out there more important than me.
    But that wasn't true either. Pieces of the puzzle started fitting, not with memories but with emotions.
    We were too far from the Mustang for it to register, but I ran her sequence anyway. A baseball field, an acoustic guitar, my grandfather—the images that would unlock Suzy.
    "Thanks," Lena whispered.
    "Get out of here," I said. "Just go."
    I didn't have time to consider the fact I’d just let her get away. The shrill howl of needler fire tore through the still night air. It was close, on the other side of the truck.
    "Nellie." I recognized her sweet song.
    I drew my Colt.
    The back half of the truck was still on fire, but the cab was relatively clear. I crouched low and ran as quietly as I could to the ruined vehicle. The door was wide open, but I had to step around Daryl's massive corpse to get in. Climbing up into the tilted vehicle, I saw almost everything the Roth boys had stolen from me. I slipped my boots on first, then rifled through the rest of the stuff.
    Everything was there but Nellie.
    As quickly as I could, I gathered my things. The e-cuffs were scattered, but I grabbed a few. My guns were all in good shape, still in their holsters. I paused and looked at them. Each gun had a golden G stamped on the side, the mark of the Goodwin Corporation's own armory. I clipped on my Remington pulse pistol and slung the Browning Blue shotgun over my shoulder. I felt safe again.
    I wasn't safe.
    The first needle tore through my shoulder, tugging me off balance and sending waves of warmth through my arm and chest. I toppled backwards out of the cab, landing cushioned by Daryl's massive corpse.
    "Twang!" Connor's voice cracked. I had never heard it laced with so much pain. "You done killed my brothers!"
    Another needle tore through the truck, punching a hole next to my head. I rolled to the side just as another dozen needles perforated the truck.
    I wanted to tell him it wasn't me, but giving away my location seemed like a bad idea at the time.
    There was more gunfire, but sharper, louder this time. Connor swore then fired Nellie a few more times. I circled around the back of the truck, backing away from the fire, when I saw smoke rising from my coat. I'd feel the burns in the morning, but pain-damping had kept me going.
    There were three of them. Black-clad figures, barely visible even with my full-spectrum scan. One was tearing apart concrete and glass with a pulse pistol. Waves of force pounded Connor's cover. The two others tried to move, but Connor brushed them back with a couple well-placed shots. It looked like the genius had managed to pin them against a wall behind cover. A fourth figure lay still on the ground.
    Just beyond them was the ruined building where I’d stashed my Mustang.
    I fingered the grip on my Colt and thought about trading up to a fancier weapon. The Colt was the least fancy piece of tech on the entire field. Still, it had a heft that somehow felt reassuring, so I kept it out.
    "Connor," I said, keeping my voice as calm as I could. No need to shout. I stood and walked with measured pace. "Connor, these men are your employers. They're here to pay the bounty."
    Connor stopped and leveled Nellie at my head.
    "Connor, I didn't kill your brothers. You know that. I'm a man of honor—"
    "That's bullshit, Twang," Connor said. His whole body tensed. I flinched, but the needle didn't come.
    "Gentlemen," I addressed the three remaining shadows. One of them silently moved behind a shrub. "Mr. Roth and I would like to collect that bounty now."
    Connor's jaw dropped open then shut again. Anger faded from his glowing orange eyes. He nodded. My gamble

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