need to be cooked if they contain virulent (dangerous) bacteria or toxins. An example for you: You would never eat raw kidney beans. They can’t even be simply added to a stew, they need to be boiled first to kill the phytotoxin or to bring it down to non-toxic levels.
Certain components of certain foods are more potent when they are cooked making them better for you. While tomatoes are great raw, if you want to improve your lycopene intake (a potent antioxidant) then cooking improves lycopene levels.
Cooking carrots has often been recommended so that the cell walls can breakdown effectively and therefore release nutritional goodness. Cooking is also said to increase their level of beta-carotene (which converts to vitamin A). Cooking does however destroy levels of vitamin C.
In certain parts of the world people are being cautioned not to eat raw eggs, meat and even sprouts because of certain microorganisms.
If you pulverize your carrots in a blender or a juicer then you’ll get everything you need in very good amounts. Much of the work is done by your machine. The cell walls get broken down effectively and the nutritional wonder inside becomes more bioavailable.
From an ease of digestion standpoint cooking your carrots is good (especially boiled whole) because I can probably bet that you’re not chewing or pulverizing them in their raw form as well as your blender or juicer can. With the current juicing and smoothie-making trends you don’t need to cook them. Raw is my preference.
Tuning Into You
When you consume your green smoothies you will notice a change in your relationship to food (if you haven’t already). It feels so empowering to reject old food choices easily and naturally while preferring things you may have even felt ambivalent or repulsed by before.
Case in point: I simply cannot imagine my daughter consistently sitting down to a plate of salad with 2 cupsful of green leaves along with a pile of other foods. It would seem a very daunting (and large) task. She now has AT LEAST that every time she has a smoothie. It feels like a victory to her parents, but to her, she feels empowered and happy to know she’s easily contributing to a lasting legacy of health (deliciously).
The benefit is that, over a short amount of time, you really learn to tune into what your body really needs and wants. It responds so well to the clean fresh ingredients. You will find that choosing what you need becomes intuitively easier – without effort.
Isn’t it time to welcome some Green Smoothie Magic into your life and into the lives of those around you? Especially kids. Here’s your chance to deliver LARGE amounts of the most nutritious food available to you in a delicious and easy to drink fashion.
My little sister (and it’s funny now that I am well into my 5 th decade I can still call my sister little!) said to me when I told her I was writing a book about Green Smoothies: “ The idea of drinking lettuce makes me want to throw up .” But now her family has the same blender as mine, and we both compare Smoothie Magic Success interstate and over the phone.
Her very first experience was very funny. My own daughter Isabelle’s favorite smoothie is one she gives the impossible score 311 out of 10! It has bananas, raspberries, greens and mint, vanilla, cinnamon and ice. Easy!
When my sister prepared one of her son’s his first smoothie right in front of him, the sounds of disgust when he saw cupsful of baby spinach go in were to say the least amusing. Dominic rejected that particular smoothie! But what is funnier is that his first one was his own concoction of carrot, celery and apples, berries, banana and ice, which he loved.
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Don’t Get Stuck With The Same Green
You know what they say? Everything in moderation. There is some talk in ‘smoothie world’ that eating the same greens all the time is actually a way to become sick. The alkaloids in plants are nature’s way of plant self-preservation