Great Bitten: Outbreak

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Book: Read Great Bitten: Outbreak for Free Online
Authors: Warren Fielding
emergency. There are now roadblocks in place across the nation. Entry to and exit from all major motorway routes and selected major A-roads is now restricted to emergency services personnel only. Any travellers on these major routes are being guided off and via diversions at their nearest exits. Those found using these core routes without authorisation will be arrested and detained for questioning under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Any and all public affray will result in your arrest and detention under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.
    We do not believe this is an act of terrorism, but the impact this outbreak is having on our nation, along with the unacceptable loss of life, can lead us to no other conclusion.
    We have asked for aid from the international community, and international trading has been ceased whilst the level of this threat is gauged, and the outbreak contained. The Armed Forces have been deployed to assist the police force in identifying and containing the areas where the outbreaks are most severe. Metropolitan areas remain our focus. For those of you outside of cities and with family inside affected zones; please call them to gauge their safety. The telephone networks are still working. Do not travel; you will not be allowed access to the cities.
      Let me make this clear to you: we will stop this outbreak, and we will find its cause. When we have beaten this we will rebuild and we will become stronger. Remain in your homes. Remain with your families wherever possible. Above all, remain safe.
    Beneath this was a bold underlined link, unmistakable in its prominence and its inference; do not go to hospitals; they will not help you. Do not help others; they will kill you.
    Safety Measures and Official Restrictions
              Ensure you have non-perishable food items at home
              Spends at supermarkets have been restricted to £500 per person
              Licensed firearms holders are instructed to hand their weapons in to the police. Your local officers will visit license holders accordingly. This is not voluntary , and weapons are needed as part of national security efforts
              Do not travel, under any circumstance
              Do not answer your door to strangers
              If anyone in your care becomes ill with the symptoms in the NHS Direct link below, please call the new emergency hotline “888” and leave a message with your name, your address, and the name(s) of the person(s) displaying symptoms
              Do not attempt to confront anyone displaying the traditional symptoms of rabies, including but not restricted to latter stage furious rabies. You can find further details at NHS Direct here:
    There was a picture of the UK not unlike a temperature chart. The south and south west was mainly pale, yellows and blues. I’m guessing that meant we were safe, for now. In and around London and every other major city it was filled in a fiery angry red. There was a chart showing the scale of the colouring. The darker reds indicated deaths moving in to the tens of thousands, and the legend stated this was an approximation from the last few hours of the morning and not live data. There was a notice advising that flash videos had been temporarily disabled because of the overload on the BBC web servers, and a footnote to this reiterating much of the footage hadn’t been appropriate for public consumption. As if you couldn’t get enough of it on YouTube anyway, which was probably creaking under the strain.
    My eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to London . It wasn’t that far away from us still after all, and I could so easily still have been there. I remembered back to that old woman I saw staggering around with her throat torn out. How many of them were down there now? Were any of them quicker than Grandma Deathly or younger

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