Great Bitten: Outbreak

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Book: Read Great Bitten: Outbreak for Free Online
Authors: Warren Fielding
the Prime Minister. I first elected to look at what the international sites were reporting. My heart sank at the first headline I saw on NBC online, and I called Carla and Rick over to look. Their jaws dropped.

Chapter Two
    “ You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. ” – Albert Einstein
    “United Kingdom under quarantine as deadly virus shrouds the nation”
    “They’ve quarantined the whole country?”
    “I hate to say it Carla, but it makes sense. We’ve already stopped flights from going out. Who the fuck is going to want to fly in?”
    “ Trust you to be matter of fact about it Warren. What else are they saying?”
    I read down the sensationalist article; it looked like they were taking as red all the reports coming out on social networks and regional news sites. Comparisons were being made to the movie “28 Days Later” and international airports were now issuing quarantine instructions to any flights already in the air from the UK heading out abroad. Holidaymakers were stranded and pictures of people preparing to bed down at airports across the world were littered around the article. I smirked to myself. They clearly had the better end of the deal, based on the rest of the read. Deaths around the country were conservatively estimated at hundreds of thousands already, and all the major cities; London, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, even up to Glasgow and Edinburgh, had now issued lockdowns on all public transport and closed down major routes in and out of city centres. I pitied those poor unfortunates still stuck living in the middle of it - unless they risked going out on foot, it looked like they would be staying exactly where they were whilst the government probably sat sucking their asses praying for everything to quietly blow over. Look how that ended up with Appeasement.
    With my mind on the government, I clicked on the hyperlink to the Prime Minister’s official statement, bracing myself for a few paragraphs of obstinacy and a pig-headed refusal to acknowledge the wolf at the door. A few sentences in though, and I couldn’t help but admire the brutality of the truth. Even our own tired and shambolic leaders had recognised the scale of the threat, and it appeared that they were taking as many measures to protect a ballistically castrated society as possible.
    From the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; a Statement to the Nation on the current viral outbreak affecting the countries of the United Kingdom and Wales.
    It is with great sadness and a heavy weight upon my heart that I have to confirm that the United Kingdom is now in the grip of a crisis unprecedented in the history of any nation of mankind. After reports of violent outbreaks early this morning in both the City and Greater London, we can confirm that a virus with unconfirmed origins has begun to spread around the country. As we learn more we will be keeping all members of the public fully up to date however this statement will provide you with as much information as even I mys elf have access to at this time.
    Do not make any unnecessary journeys. All methods of public transport have been terminated with immediate effect and for the foreseeable future. All forms of public gatherings including but not restricted to public concerts and sporting events have been cancelled with immediate effect. We are working to maintain the core networks supplying power and water to your homes, and we do not see any reason at this time why these will fail. All domestic television and radio stations have cancelled their normal schedules to maintain practical information on the outbreak, with the exception of Channel 5 which has agreed to assist in broadcasting a light schedule for recreational purposes.
    The following amendments to national infrastructure have been made under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which is now in effect across all categories. We are, with immediate effect, in a state of national

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