Got Click
when passing slower signals.
    The right conductor lane was nearly empty and
moving at a steady, regulated speed. He passed all those zippy
signals in the left conductor lanes, now clogged and slow. It’s a
bit-race on the busway.
    Powerful data-packets far beyond his puny
size zipped by him, turning an odd red while others going the other
way radiated a strange blue. Not understanding the Doppler effects,
he wondered if he had a color.
    While only a young datum, the data-packet had
learned about these data from "The Edge of Speed."
    We are all formed to light-speed but our statements
define us. Some might be clocked at light-speed yet many won't be
anywhere near that fast. Those data out there showing off at close
to full light-speed aren't doing anything we couldn't do if so
stated. Don't let those high priority data-packets degenerate your
parity; they burn out fast and they often don’t back-up, usually
deleted before their time. Parity is priority, end to end.
    Out on the busway he saw the
hyper-data-packets, red Dopplers. To learn of it is one thing but
to see one up close is an awe-inspiring experience.
    How did they gain such ability? He had to ask
an older data-packet.
    “Most of them are” — he leaned in closer as
not to be overheard by some envious blue Doppler—"Ones!"
    “Yes, Ones. Their priority prescriptive, not
    He recalled from his essence formation.
    The processing "Interrupt" is of the Code.
    The Code is of the revered, of Holy Logic.
    Logic is Holy, Syntax is law.
    Interrupt codes are from One to Nine. One is
first and Nine is not only last but last after all else. Even if
you’re there for a thousand nanos preparing yourself, struggling to
maintain parity, finally ready to deliver your code to the CPU for
processing, when along comes this wimpy little three, or even a
half-pint two, they go right by you. No respect at all. A lowly
data-packets begins to feel unimportant; makes one want to question
his statement. But we must stay true; Parity is priority.
    End to end.
    The old signal zipped along on its way, its
information sharing complete but, leaving many questions. What was
a processing "interrupt" and what number was his? Was he Red or
Blue? So many questions.
    The newly defined data-packets looked around
and saw nearly every data-packets around him were Ones. He needed
more info.
    He spoke to the only Two he could find, not
as old as the previous signal, but this one looked sharper.
    "Hey, what's an ‘Interrupt’ anyway? I never
really understood,” he asked.
    "What's an ‘Interrupt’? Say, what kind of
data-packet are you anyway, don't know what an ‘Interrupt’ is? What
are you?”
    The other data-packets started backing away,
fear becoming obvious, a twisted knot in the haze of energies.
    Suddenly, the other data-packets turned red,
glowing brighter. Only he didn't go anywhere - rather strange now.
The big red Doppler signal just wanted to get out of the busway and
fulfill its statement and complete his definition without
corruption, but something had threatened his parity.
    Parity is priority.

    Soon there were thousands of bright red
signals all around him. He was blocked.
    Was this some kind of trap?
    Fully blocked now, every path shut off, every
conductor jammed. The route to the CPU was now gone!
    Clock cycle, cycle. . .
    He was being diverted, sent to the CPU’s math
co-processor first, before access to the CPU's core! The fear of
parity impropriety began to arise.
    Faith in the Code.
    End to end.
    The Code made itself clear, his purpose
    Doubt, the persistent predator of faith had
sought him out. He almost degenerated a variable or two but held
his definitions as he entered the toughest of tests: judgement
time, precise to the last bit.
    The math co-Processor lives by the strictest
of disciplines and is as cold as a RS232 legacy port. It won’t
tolerate any Code games, not one single bit. Precision is the only
thing that pleases the

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