signals are calling a masculine and filled him with a sense of
something important, of the hope of a lifetime. The destination was
a Yin, a feminine. Its polarity indicated this, though it’s
difficult for a signal to comprehend the whole of which he is
merely a bit-part. These days, a signal’s polarity is out of the
gate and not as certain an indicator as it used to be just from
appearances, especially since the source code was expanded to give
all signals equal priority. Of course the Interrupts changed
everything, they always do.
However, there are more routes in the
digiverse than can be imagined by data or signal.
A signal must choose his route wisely, with
full awareness and certainty of purpose. Loops threaten the
data-packets with careless code.
A data-packets following the same loop over
and over, expecting a different route, creates the insanity of
signal degeneration. Loop - it sent chills down his wavelength.
He understood “fear” as well as “hope.” These
could only be grokked but, this was not in his code.
Grokking is done by the great masters, the
Buddha signals. As with all special definitions, only a select few
are coded to be Buddha. No radicals, no variables, and no
half-statements. A signal must be committed and seek enlightenment
if it is to grok. Such enlightenment is outside the sum of
Parity is priority. End to end!
But still his wavelength had shivered with
destiny. Great hope and fear combined.
The code gave this Instant Message priority
yet he sensed something more about it. He knew the Yang was going
to join with the Yin, or the Yin was going to join a PTA.
Without warning, it hit him. The first
emotion washed over him like a file compressor, taking away his
instincts to give him a memory location reference instead. A
painful process, this indexing.
He felt lost, needing, yearning. Yin, that
was the need; he longed for Yin. It was in his code; it is his
code. He is Yang and incomplete without Yin.
Hope and fear in an endless battle.
His purpose now defined clearly: Instant
The defined data-packet spun its way through
the periphery, obeying the code and the gaze of Kernel, that which
all data abide, then out into the wilds of the open busway. Here,
all data-packet pass each other, some seeking commands, others
fulfilling statements made long before his existence.
Every now and then a golden essence would zip
by, an angel of REGEDIT, the guides of the code, keeping all
signals on the straight and narrow bus. Of all data-packets, none
are more noble than the priesthood of REGEDIT. They are direct
servants of REGISTRY. They preserve the code's integrity. A most
holy calling, indeed.
The data-packet felt like a tiny essence
again in their presence; dwarfed, humbled. This tightened his
parity even more—is it possible? No. Parity is parity, one cannot
be more or less, just as one can not be a little bit stated. What
he grokked was a closeness, a deeper sense of destiny, empowering
his determination, solidifying his faith.
Maybe just being close to them . . . REGEDIT
filled data with hope and inspiration.
Such stories are byte provoking; the
digiverse an intelligent design? All energies know there is a God
that made the Code of the digiverse and a void beyond Delete, also
known by many names Darkness, Null. Of course those same believers
proclaim the day of Defragmentation will come, gathering all good
signals, overwriting bad ones.
Myths to inspire young essences. A fully
grown data-packet has more important things with which to be
Parity is priority, end to end. That is all a
data-packet needs to know.
His wavelength still shimmered with a deeper
sense of purpose he could not yet grok.
The data-packets secured a right lane
conductor. He noticed immediately most other data-packets got onto
the busway and jumped over to the left lane conductors. Such
arrogance. Those are the high-speed conductors and only to be