172 n , 209, 242 n
Paget, Thomas, Lord 81, 81 n , 172 n
Palmer, Valentine see Gerard, John
Papal supremacy 12, 31, 232-4
Parliament 32, 47, 50, 86, 107-108, 161, 125, 208-209
see also following Acts: Popish
Recusants; Succession;
Supremacy; Treason; Uniformity
Parma, Duchess of 37
Parma, Duke of 4, 7, 72
Parry Plot 126
Paul IV, Pope 31
Paul V, Pope 341, 347, 352, 356, 372
Paul’s Cross 67, 177 n
Payne, John 60, 89
Peine forte et dure 210-211 n
Percy, Henry see Northumberland, 9th Earl of
Percy, John 253, 274-275, 386
Percy, Thomas 305-306, 332, 344 n , 350, 352, 380
Percy, Thomas see Northumberland, 7th Earl of
Perne, Dr Andrew 36-37, 104
Perrot, Sir Thomas 8
Persons, Robert
attitude towards religious toleration 174 n
and Campion’s death/biography 132-133
death of 387
Elizabeth’s health 295
English College 277, 284
English mission 68-72, 73-77, 81-85, 87, 89, 96, 98, 102-103, 148, 176, 196, 274, 280, 362 n , 389
Garnet’s death 374
Garnet’s pilgrimage to Wales 342
and hiding-place 117
and James I 300-301, 314, 316, 321, 323, 326, 343
Leicester’s Commonwealth 172 n
and missionaries 135-136, 140, 177, 268
and plot against Elizabeth 90, 91 n , 280, 285-286
and Pope Gregory’s Explanatio 73
priests in prison 228 n
refuge in Rouen 92, 132, 146
secret press 162-163, 166
slanderous attacks on 284-285, 289, 306
and succession question 266-268, 280-281, 284, 293, 306, 342, 386
on the torture of priests 245
underground network 146-147, 216
and Valladolid seminary 128-129
A Brief Apology 285
A Brief Discourse 162
see also A Conference about the Next Succession
Peyton, Sir John 257
Phelippes, Thomas 240 n , 265
Philip II, King of Spain 2-4, 6, 8, 29, 39 n , 46, 55, 59, 63 n , 73, 79, 100, 129, 158-159, 173, 235, 239, 261, 280
Philip III, King of Spain 315-318, 323-324, 347 n
Pibush, John 140 n
Pilgrimage of Grace 122 n
Pitts, Arthur 84-5, 85 n
Pitts, Mrs 207
Pius V, Pope 46-47, 50, 59-61, 73, 126
Regnans in Excelsis 46, 61, 61-66, 73
Pius XI, Pope 387
Pole, Cardinal 234
Pollard, James 194
Polwhele, William 239
Pomerancio see Circignani, Niccolo
Pooley, Robert 243 n
Popham, Sir John 187-188, 313, 337, 348, 363, 368
Pormont, Thomas 272
Portugal 4-5, 73
Poultry Counter (prison) 223-224, 228-229
Pound, Thomas 75-76, 83
Prague 2, 69
Privy Council 37, 83, 91, 95 n , 107-9, 123, 126, 161, 178, 238, 272, 290, 303, 310, 314, 335, 356, 396
Protestant, early use of word 10 n
Protestantism 27
centres of 30, 32, 342
conflict with Catholicism 4, 9-10, 14, 47-48, 172, 383
as foreign interloper 110
on lying 185, 186 n
and Mary’s death 30
in Netherlands 55
non-conformity 213
religious tolerance 316
State religion see Elizabethan Religious Settlement
see also Puritanism
Protestation of Allegiance 291-292, 295, 306, 347
Puckering, Lord Keeper 131, 145, 183 n , 216, 220 n , 224, 271
Puritanism 195, 209 n , 213, 289-290, 303, 321-322, 336, 342
Quadra, Bishop Alvaro de la 37, 38-39
Raleigh, Sir Walter 168
Book of the Ocean to Cynthia 42 n
Act against Popish 209, 215
see also Catholicism
Reformation 33, 48 n , 134, 160, 185, 197
Regiomontanus 1-3, 6
Regnans in Excelsis see Pius V
Reims, English College 13, 15, 16, 55, 57, 59, 70-72, 84, 91-92, 128, 150
Renard, Simon 105 n
Rich, Lady 214
Rich of Rochford, Lord 213
Richard II 52
Ridley, Nicholas 29
Ridolfi, Roberto 165 n
Ridolfi Plot 126
Rishton, Edward 35-36, 45, 50, 86, 90-92, 110
Rivers, Anthony 293, 295, 314, 323
Roberts see Garnet, Henry
Catacombs 64
English College 13, 15, 55, 56, 59, 91-92, 126, 150, 174 n , 228 n , 277-278, 281, 284, 285 n , 287, 376
Rookwood, Ambrose 343, 359-360
Rookwood, Edward 106, 193
Rookwood, Elizabeth 343
Rookwood family 214
Roscarock, Mr 86
Rouen 92, 146
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor 2, 6
Russell, Lord 27
Sadler, Sir Ralph 265
St Bartholomew massacre 10, 29, 47
St Bernard’s College, Oxford 26, 28
St John’s College, Oxford 28, 49, 61, 64, 390
St Katherine’s prison 183
St Mary’s Hall, Oxford 44, 69
St Paul’s Cathedral 7-9, 96, 373
Miyuki Miyabe, Alexander O. Smith