Girl on the Run
published before the date the patent was filed, so that I can say that the invention isn't new.’
    ‘ Ok,’ said Andy. ‘So where does art come into it?’
    ‘ That's just the technical term for published stuff,’ Polly said.
    Andy looked at Jane for confirmation. She shrugged. ‘Not quite, but close enough.’
    Andy was thoughtful for a moment. ‘Doesn't sound very lawyer-y to me.’
    Jane laughed. ‘I'm doing the easy bits. Marshall's doing the difficult bit where you have to put the arguments together.’
    Polly leaned closer to Andy and said in a theatrical whisper, ‘Marshall's the one she fancies.’
    Jane shook her head. ‘I don't.’

Chapter Five
    The meeting reminder pinged on Jane's computer and she felt excitement rise. She was meeting Susan, her boss, for the first time. Until now, she had been doing odd pieces of work that people found for her and getting to know the company's systems. She was looking forward to having a solid project to work on.
    Ruth looked up. ‘Meeting?’
    ‘ Yes. With Susan.’
    ‘ Good luck,’ said Ruth. ‘Susan is … a challenge.’
    ‘ People keep saying that. What's wrong with her?’
    Ruth frowned. ‘There's nothing wrong with her … as such. She's just a little brusque, if you see what I mean.’
    Jane shook her head.
    ‘Not very hot on people skills. She's very clever. One of the cleverest attorneys we've got. But she has no patience with people who can't keep up.’
    ‘ Ok,’ said Jane, hoping she would be able to keep up. ‘I'll bear that in mind.’
    ‘ You'll be fine,’ said Ruth.
    Jane wished she felt as confident.
    * * *
    From: Eric Korsky
    T o: Keith Durridg e 

    Subject: The new girl.
    She seems nice. Do I take it she's caught your interest? As you say, she is very pretty. And has very nice legs.
    From: Keith, To: Eric
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    She does indeed have fabulous legs. I bet I can get those wrapped round me by the end of the month .  K.
    From: Eric, To: Keith
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    Yeah, yeah, you say that every time a nice looking girl starts. You have no chance with this one my friend. She's way out of your league .  And, as you've let your prejudices against the provinces show, you've probably blown it already. Very proud folk, these Northerners, you know. E.
    From: Keith, To: Eric
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    Bet you a £100. K.
    From: Eric, To: Keith
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    I'm not playing that game any more. I'm a happily engaged man now, remember? Besides, I haven't forgotten how much trouble it got us into last year.
    From: Keith, To: Eric
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    I'm not suggesting you compete with me. We all know you couldn't anyway. Just a little sportsman's bet. I'll even set a time limit for my success. One month. I'm getting bored out of my mind around here,I could do with a challenge .  Go on, live a little.
    From: Eric,To: Keit h 

    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    You don't stand a chance. If the undercurrents at the pub were anything to go by, she's more likely to be interested in Marshall Winfield than you. We all remember what happened the last time you went after a woman who had her eye on Marshall Winfield.
    From: Keith, To: Eric
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    Yes, well Dominique wasn't exactly a normal woman. There's no challenge in getting off with a nymphomaniac. Winfield is welcome to her .  Now Jane, on the other hand, seems like a very classy, if slightly repressed, woman. One who has standards. The only reason Winfield even got a look in was because I hadn't turned on my legendary charm.
    From: Eric, To: Keith
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    Since you insist, I shall take you up on this. £100 plus dinner at the club .  And you only have until the end of the month. I shall enjoy watching you crash and burn.
    From: Keith, To: Eric
    Subject: Re: The new girl.
    You're on, Korsky. Prepare to pay up. K – the man.
    * * *
    The meeting room had wide

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