haven't you any parents to look after you?”
Stella broke an egg into the pan. “No,” she said, “I guess not. I get along, really, Mr. Merlin, only just now we're in a jam. We had some bad luck and the landlady took our bags in payment—you know.” She broke off and gave a little sniff.
Denny came a little closer. “This girl, Gerda. I don't think she's a suitable companion for you. Tell me, don't you get into trouble sometimes because of her?”
Stella looked at him, trying hard to force anger out of her eyes. “Gerda has been very wonderful to me,” she said.
Denny shrugged and turned away. He couldn't make this business out. Stella didn't look like a tramp, he kept telling himself. She wasn't that type at all, he could swear to it, yet why did Gerda make that suggestion? Why was she so sure that Stella would agree? Could it be that Stella liked him? By now the cocktails had made him a little drunk and he was very sure of himself. It would be rather a joke if Stella went for him in a big way and Gerda was left holding the can.
He followed Stella into the dining-room and sat opposite her while she ate her supper. Outside, the wind and rain lashed the walls of the house, making it shudder and forcing them to shout a little when they talked. He insisted on taking her plate away when she had finished, and came back with the cocktail-shaker full again. Stella was sitting on a big settee near the fire. Her wrap had fallen open, showing her neat bare legs. As soon as he came in, she hastily adjusted the wrap, but he had seen all right.
He felt the blood mounting to his head and he came over and sat beside her.
She said, “Do you like being rich?”
He was a little startled. “Why, sure,” he said. “Why do you ask?”
“You know, money means so much to some people. To me, it doesn't mean anything at all. Once I saw a man with a hundred-dollar bill. I had never seen a bill like that before. He was awfully pleased with himself.”
Denny laughed. He put his hand behind him and pulled out a big wallet from his hip pocket. “Ever seen a thousand-dollar bill?” he asked, opening his case. “And I don't look so pleased with myself, do I?”
He opened the wallet and took out a fat packet of currency. He had eight one thousand-dollar bills and a number of hundred-dollar bills. Stella went very white. “Oh,” she said, “put it away. Don't let—”
Gerda said softly from behind them: “It's there. Enough money to live on for months. To go down Lincoln Road and buy what you want. To go to Dache's or Miller's. To eat at Allen's. Miami would kneel to us.”
Denny spun round, snapping the wallet shut. “Where the hell did you come from?” he asked.
Gerda stood looking at him, her green eyes like bits of glass, without expression, shiny and hard. “You are a very fortunate man, Mr. Merlin,” she said. “I am going to bed now. Perhaps by tomorrow the storm will be over. We shall go our different ways soon afterwards. I don't think I shall ever forget you.” She went to the door and then turned. “I should come too, Stella,” she said. “Mr. Merlin will want to sleep. Good night,” and she went out, shutting the door behind her.
Denny looked at Stella. “What did she mean—never forget me?”
Stella was still looking very pale. “I don't know,” she said: “I wish I did.”
There was silence but for the howl of the wind, then Denny forced a laugh. “She's gone to bed, anyway. Will you have another drink?”
Stella shook her head, and made as if to rise to her feet, but Denny stopped her. “Don't go,” he said. “You know, I was hoping that we should be left alone. I want to talk to you. I want to hear your voice. Look, let's be comfortable.” He got up and switched out the light. The room was lit only by the fire. He came and
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount