Geezer Paradise

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Book: Read Geezer Paradise for Free Online
Authors: Robert Gannon
Tags: Humor, Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
paper bag it from a burger joint."
                  Darryl went pale.  "You can't do dat ta me," Darryl sputtered.  "I'll die eatin' dat stuff."
                  "Well, you can always go out to eat in a restaurant," I said.  I thought Darryl was going to cry.  We all knew if he went out in public it wouldn't be long before he met a hail of bullets.  We had him just where we wanted him. 
                  Darryl plastered a phony smile on his face and spread his hands, "Hey, you guys knew I was just jokin' around wit the lady, din't ya.  I was just teasin' her a little, dat's all.  Makin' like I'm a tough guy or somethin', ya know?  She's a real sweetheart, takin' care a me an all.  I really appreciate her, an I'll be on my very best behavior from now on.  Honest, I swear on my mudder's grave."
                  I looked at Sofie.  "If he behaves himself I'll stay," she said.
                  "Honest I will lady, I give ya my word."                                                                                
                  I didn't think Darryl's word was worth much, but I knew he would do anything to keep Sofie cooking for him. We all looked at Sofie.  "I'll stay as long as you keep your word, Darryl," she said.
                  "Honest I will, I promise."  Darrell gave her his choirboy smile.                                   
                  "In that case I won't need a vacation after all," Sofie said.  We all smiled at that.  On the way out Sofie gave Willey and me a big hug.  "Thank you guys, you saved my life."  I figured it was Darryl's life we saved. 
                  I gave Sofie my telephone number.  "If he acts up again call me right away.  I'll be here in less than an hour."
                  "Thanks guys, you're the best," Sofie said, and blew us a kiss at us, but I thought the kiss was directed more at me than at Willey.  
                  "Goodnight, Sofie," we said, and let ourselves out.  As we walked to the Wrangler Willey said, "I think she has her eye on you, Barney.  You better be careful or you'll end up a married man.
                  "Ha," was all I had to say to that.
                  The next morning I decided to make another attempt at making some money to pay overdue bills.  Spying on Stevens would have to keep for another day.  Besides, we had no idea how to go about spying.  We couldn't just walk into Flaherty's office and announce that we were there to spy on Stevens, and would you please tell us his whereabouts? 
                  Instead, I decided to use the morning to research an article for the Tampa Sun.  I have a good friend at the Sun, John Goodman.  I met him at a convention we attended many years ago when we were both cub reporters.  Now he's an editor with a big fancy office.  He agreed to publish any articles I sent him as long as they were worth being published.  Since then I've been sending him my work and getting about half of it published--and getting paid.  That helps me get by.  I grabbed my camera and notebook and Called Willey on the phone. 
                  "I'm going to Clearwater Beach to research an article." I said.  "Want to come along for the ride, or do you have something else to do?" 
                  "I was going to spend the day answering my fan mail," Willey said.  "But I'll go along just to make sure you don't get lost."
                  "You're too good to me.  Meet me at the Wrangler."
                  We jumped into the Wrangler and drove down 19A to Clearwater, turned onto 60 West, and headed for the causeway to Clearwater Beach.  Clearwater Beach is a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico.  The causeway that

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