Games of Zeus 02- Silent Echoes

Read Games of Zeus 02- Silent Echoes for Free Online

Book: Read Games of Zeus 02- Silent Echoes for Free Online
Authors: Aimee Laine
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Construction, mythology, zeus, game
from the freeway that would take them to Tripp’s house, Ian narrowed his eyes. “ Where are we going?”
    Tripp gave a slight bobble of his head. “We have a client to see.”
    “Is this the client you wouldn’t tell me a rat’s ass thing about? Or something else? Because if it’s something else, drop me off at your house first.”
    Tripp’s eyes stayed fixed straight ahead. “It’s the client.”
    “Why the hell are you being so secretive?” Ian twisted so he could face Tripp. The Jag blew past the few cars on the road with them. Ian glanced at the speedometer, found Tripp going over ninety. “I hope you got your can’t-catch-me-o-meter on.”
    A light chuckle breezed from the driver’s side. “You know I can’t use my talents without Lexi right next to me.”
    “Get a radar detector then.”
    Tripp shrugged.
    “Your funeral, if you get a ticket and Lexi finds out.” Ian smiled at the thought of the argument the two would have. Lexi would tear into Tripp without a doubt. “So, you wouldn’t tell me when I was in New York, and you’re not telling me now. What gives, Fox?” Ian’s body tensed. “Wait … you’re not telling me because something happened. What happened? Is Lexi—”
    “Lex is fine. This is about the woman you so affectionately refer to as ‘blondie’.”
    “Wait … you brought me back here for her? Her! What the—”
    “She was arrested last night, Ian.”
    “Blondie? You’re shitting me.” Ian’s mind whirled with curiosity and uncertainty. “What for? She saw someone up with one of those power tools? Drill into them with one of those thingamabobs? Ooh … a wood chipper—”
    “There were bones found on her property.”
    “She buried someone? That’s not very creative for someone in construction.”
    “And, that’s a pretty big leap for you to assume,” Tripp said. “Why’d you jump to her burying someone?”
    Ian realized he had no idea why. “Logical guess.” He rubbed a hand across his face. “So, tell me why you’re involved.”
    “She hired me as her attorney.”
    “For what? I mean, why would you even take a criminal case? Which again, since you haven’t said, I’m guessing is the truth. That’s not your kind of deal.”
    Tripp glanced toward Ian. Trees lining the edge of the freeway rushed by as Tripp picked up more speed. “Because, sometimes, it’s necessary.”
    Tripp eyed Ian as they came to a stoplight. “Yes. Necessary. We can’t have the girl of your dreams rotting in jail, Ian.” Tripp oozed sarcasm.
    “She’s not—” Ian couldn’t finish the comment without lying. She’d been exactly that for months and throughout the previous night. Any time he closed his eyes, she took over. He thought himself good with women, attentive and never shy, but the fantasies that played in his mind put her in the lead with him following. In everything. “Why would you tell me we got a gig then?” Ian’s earlier curiosity moved into downright suspicion.
    “I didn’t, remember? You assumed. Would you have come down here if I told you blondie asked for a lawyer because of some bones in her yard and cops in her face?
    “Of course …” not. A knuckle to the temple relieved some of the pressure building behind Ian’s eyes.
    Tripp shook his head. “Ian, Ian, Ian. I took it because I know she’s innocent.”
    Ian’s eyes widened. “You convinced Lexi to use your moojoo-joojoo on a person?” According to Tripp, and Lexi herself, she refused—as in flat-out, punch in the face, don’t-go-there—to use her Zeus-given gift to search for people.
    Ian huffed. “So, now that the fun is gone from the game, who dunnit?”
    “No idea.”
    “What the hell?” Ian thumped the dash with his fist. “How do you—what do—what good is your voodoo-mental-mojo if you can’t even find that answer?”
    Tripp chuckled. “I didn’t say we looked for a killer, Ian.”
    “You know that’s the logical thing to do,

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