Full Circle (Rockin' Country #3)

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Book: Read Full Circle (Rockin' Country #3) for Free Online
Authors: Laramie Briscoe
touched him too. She loved the hard grunts coming from his mouth, the breathless gasps coming from hers, and she hoped that nobody was close enough to hear this. She knew they should have some control and some willpower, but this was exciting, and she was thankful she had a husband who was willing to do these types of things with her.
    “I’m there,” he growled in her ear, his thrusts picking up speed as he buried his face in her neck to smother the sound of his completion.
    “Me too.” Hannah thrust back against him, having no control over her body. It had a mind of its own as she ground against him, against her hand, against both their bodies. It all felt amazingly good, and she knew she had to keep herself under control. “Reaper,” she breathed, and right then he saved her, bringing his hand up to cover her mouth, allowing her to bite into the flesh as she gave her body over to the rush.
    Minutes later, when he’d finally stopped pulsing inside her and they’d collapsed against each other, hearts pounding, her alarm went off.
    “Crap,” she laughed.
    “Don’t worry,” he cleared his throat, fighting against the lethargy. “I’m the front man, they aren’t gonna leave without me.”
    She couldn’t help it, she giggled against his conceited answer. One day she’d have to put a stop to his ego, but at times like this, she loved this part of his personality. “C’mon, let’s get cleaned up.” She pushed against where he had layered himself against her back.
    “You keep pushing against my dick like that and we won’t be going anywhere,” he threatened, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror.
    She could think of worse ways to spend a night, but she kept that thought to herself.

Chapter Six
    *  *  *
    “A re you coming in for Valentine’s Day next week?” Hannah asked Shell as the two of them FaceTimed. Hannah was getting ready for the Grammy awards. Miracle of all miracles, she and Garrett had been nominated; their song just making the cut off. To say she was nervous was an understatement, so she did what she always did: talked to her best friend.
    Shell bit her lip. “I’m not sure. I have a lot of work to do. This stuff is way fucking harder than I thought it would be. I mean like a million times harder than I thought it would be, but I want to. Damn, do I want to. I miss all y’all, and I so wish I was there for you tonight.”
    Hannah said what Shell wouldn’t or couldn’t. She still couldn’t get a feel for the two of them. “You mean you miss Jared, and it’s okay that you’re not here tonight. It’s going to be Garrett and me. We’re both very nervous, but excited at the same time”
    “Well yeah, but it doesn’t do any good to complain about it, and there’s nothing that I can do about it, at this point. I hate missing out on huge accomplishments like this. You could win as not only performer but songwriter, Hannah. Don’t you realize how special that is?”
    “I do realize how special that is, but this is my life right now, and the two of us are on separate paths. I wouldn’t want you to change anything for me. I understand, but I’m kind of worried about Jared. He misses you too, and so do I, but he really misses you.” She struggled with how much to tell her, because most of what she had to tell were observations and not words that had been spoken aloud. He was still just as quiet as ever, but his emotions were starting to come through in the way he watched her and Garrett, the way he glanced at the screen of his cell phone when he thought no one else looked. On accident, Hannah had found out a picture of Shell was his lock screen.
    Shell thought it was nice to hear that from someone, because she wondered sometimes. “I can never really tell when I talk to him. Sometimes I think it, but he acts like things are fucking amazing.”
    “I seriously think that’s a defense mechanism with him. He doesn’t want you to feel bad about deciding to go do this for

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