From This Moment

Read From This Moment for Free Online Page B

Book: Read From This Moment for Free Online
Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson
thinking this is a really bad idea.  Jake not realizing just how nervous I am, grabs my hand pulling me inside.
    There are already about ten people on board.   As the doors shut, I start taking deep breaths to try and calm down. 
    All of a sudden, Jake is there, pulling me into his arms, “Hey, it’s okay, everything will be alright.  Just keep taking deep breaths and I promise I won’t let go until we get to the top.”
    Burrowing into his coat, I hang on for dear life as we start up the mountain.
    After the longest fifteen minutes of my life, Jake leads me out of the tram on wobbly legs.
    “Can we go and sit down for a minute?”
    “Yeah, sure, come on, we’ll go to the waffle place.  You can have a coffee to bring some life back into you.  You look a bit pale.”
    Once inside Corbin’s I feel much better, so sitting down with Jake, I have some waffles with syrup and a coffee.
    “You are right these waffles are great!  I just hope they stay in my stomach on the way back down!”
    Seeing the panic on Jake’s face, I start laughing, “Just kidding.”
    “So tell me, why don’t you have a girlfriend?”
    He throws a hot look in my direction, which no doubt usually gets him what or who he wants, “I’m trying to remedy that.”
    I try not to laugh, “No seriously, is there no one around here?  You’re a nice, friendly, good looking guy; I can’t believe you don’t have a girlfriend.”
    Looking away from me for a short while, “Yes, I did have a girlfriend.   Elise.  I went to Texas for six months to help a friend out with some horses.  She didn’t want me to go, so broke up with me.  When I got back she was engaged to someone else.”
    “And you’re still in love with her?”
    He looks so sad, “It doesn’t matter; she’s getting married in a couple of months.”
    “How long were you together?”
    He starts to stand, “Close to two years.”
    “Come on, I want to show you the view from here so you can take some pictures then we can head back.”
    The views are breathtaking and maybe worth the experience of the tram ride.
    I take lots of pictures and can’t wait to get back to load them on to my iPad via my macbook air, which I treated myself to just before leaving Ireland.
    ~~ Cade ~~
    Sitting in the lounge area waiting for Rona and Jake to arrive home is playing hell with my concentration.  I must have read the same paragraph over and over again for the past hour.  I managed to get what paper work was waiting for me out of the way earlier and instead of heading down to the stables, as I would normally have done –  I wait.
    About thirty minutes later, I hear Jake’s SUV come to a stop outside.   Placing my book to the side, I stand up and head towards the front door just as Rona enters.  She looks really happy.  Obviously, her day with Jake has gone well.
    “Hi, I guess by your smile that you had a good day with Jake?”
    She has a slight blush, “I did have a good day, but my smile was actually for you.  I’m glad you’re here.  I missed you.”
    “I missed you too.”   She looks lovely with color in her cheeks and her windswept hair, “Can I get you a coffee?”
    “Yes please, can you give me five minutes though?   I want to upload the photographs I took today to my iPad so I can show them to you.”
    “That will be good; I’ll get us both some coffee and wait for you in the lounge.”
    Just as she turns to go upstairs, I ask, “Is Jake coming in?”
    She turns back to me, “No, he said he’s going to call down to the stables, saying something about the feed which has just been delivered.”
    “I’ll see you in a few minutes then.”
    Having made the coffee, I sit on the sofa this time, hoping to have Rona in my arms, at least for a short while.
    Coming back down the stairs she has changed into sweats and a long

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