Four Erotic Tales
looked down at her. I had Bridget naked beneath me — gloriously naked — and she was going to help me put on a fucking condom, and we were going to fuck. Fuck, yes!
    I gave her another quick smooch, sat back on my haunches, and tore open the foil wrapper of the rubber. Her feet still hooked over my calves, Bridget looked at the thin latex as if it might leap from my hand and bite her.
    I showed her how to tell which side was the right one to place over the head of the cock, and then took her hand and placed it over the rolled rubber. Then, together, we smoothed that latex down over my very happy hard-on. “ Fuck , Bridget,” I gasped. “Feels so good.” Mostly because it knew it was about to feel even better.
    She lay back again. Turned her face away from me again.
    But her nipples poked skyward, and her labia were spread wide, revealing the thin ring of flesh that I was about to destroy. Holding my cock in my hand as if it were an attack dog I was trying to leash in.
    Still grasping me cock by the root, I leaned down, pressing my body to hers, and kissed the ear that was facing me, whispering, “Thank you, Bridget. Thank you.”
    I began to line myself up with her cunt — something I’d never had to do without Dana’s help before. How hard was I going to have to push? How much was it going to hurt her? I had no idea.
    Fuck it , I thought, and began to press in. I could feel her lips part to let me in, could feel, even through the latex, my head beginning to stretch the slippery membrane of her hymen.
    “Jesus,” hissed Bridget, “Jesus, Jesus — “
    “ BRIDGET! ” barked a voice from doorway. I flipped off of Bridget, madly trying to close away my rubber-clad erection. It was Bridget’s roommate Kathy. “ YOU! ” she snarled. Kathy. The roommate who didn’t like me. “ What do you think you’re — ?”
    “I… it wasn’t, Kathy, we — “ Bridget had somehow transported herself to the opposite side of the room; she was now wearing a fluffy pink dressing gown. “Aren’t you supposed to be a wedding?”
    “Groom ran off with the maid of honor,” growled Kathy, scowling straight at me.
    “Ken…” said Bridget, though she was staring at her roomie, looking utterly embarrassed, a feeling I could sympathize with. “Ken…?”
    “No,” I grunted, finally closing my zipper. “I’m sorry, Kathy.” I turned to Bridget. “I’m sorry, Bridget. See you at rehearsal.”
    As I turned to open the door, I saw Bridget frown, but she didn’t say anything.
    I pulled closed the door behind me, biting down a moan. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I made my way one more time down that damned hallway.
    I blinked over toward the voice; it was the RA, who was leaning once again against her doorframe. “Uh — ?”
    She smirked. “I… heard Bridget say your name just now. Pretty loud. Several times. Good thing it’s Friday — everyone’s gone.”
    “Uh…” She seemed nice enough, if a bit intimidating for a short, well-rounded woman. But in that moment, I was already thoroughly humiliated; all I wanted to do was run back to the bathroom (why was there a men’s room on a women’s floor?), whack off in peace and quiet, and go home.
    The RA took a step into the hall, blocking my escape. “Margarita. The kids call me Cuervo. Very clever.” She smiled and held out her hand. “Co-term senior.”
    It wasn’t until I shook her hand that I realized that my hand was still sticky; my face probably was too. Shit.
    “Listen, Ken, I’m sure you’ve got, uh, things you need to do,” she said, her smirk still firmly in place, “but can I talk to you for a second?”
    She gestured in to her room.
    Not feeling as if I could say no, I shuffled in. My hard-on, though half-mast, was still aching. I tried to ignore it. Prayed Margarita the RA would ignore it.
    I was surprised when she closed the door. “Nothing official. And you’re not in trouble, I promise.”
    “Uh. Okay?”
    She walked past

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