Found Missing (Decorah Security Series, Book #14): A Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel

Read Found Missing (Decorah Security Series, Book #14): A Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel for Free Online

Book: Read Found Missing (Decorah Security Series, Book #14): A Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel for Free Online
thinking for days that she didn’t need an interface—if her will was strong enough to do the trick.
    As she lay on her bed, she tried a trick that she’d used several times. She slitted her eyes, staring at the familiar room, her gaze not quite in focus. Feeling her heart pound, she lowered her lids, and kept her eyes closed for almost a minute, trying to relax and also trying to project her consciousness into her body. She thought she felt a change, but waited a few more seconds before peering out from below her lashes. This time she saw another scene—the lab where her body was really sleeping in its special bed. Well, not sleeping, she supposed, if she was seeing the lab.
    Lying very still, she looked around, past other beds toward a figure in a white coat at the far end of the room. It was Lily, checking computer readouts. Did she see something on Jenny’s chart? As though to confirm the supposition, Lily turned, and Jenny closed her eyes quickly. She strained her ears, hearing Lily coming closer, then imagined her standing over her bed.
    She didn’t answer.
    “Jenny, can you hear me? I thought I saw indications of consciousness in your brain waves.”
    Again she pretended that she was oblivious to the other woman.
    Lily touched her hand. “Grant is hoping you’ll wake up.”
    Her expression must have changed.
    “You heard that, didn’t you? You want to see Grant, don’t you?”
    She’d just seen Grant. And she wanted to see him now, but she couldn’t afford that luxury.                                                                                   
    Lily was speaking again. “I know you’re near the surface. There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s all right to wake up.”
    Nothing to be afraid of? If only that were true. Too many bad things had happened to her to believe in the fairy tale of safety.
    Carlos did some research before he left the well-guarded compound where Rambo lived.

    Using one of the private databases available to the staff, he called up a master list of medical workers in the Bethesda area. To his annoyance, there was no specific category for personnel who had worked at the Hamilton Lab. Taking another approach, he went to a job search board Hamilton had used when he’d been looking for a doctor who had worked with coma patients.
    Several people had interviewed for the job, and Hamilton had hired a woman named Lily Wardman who had trained at Johns Hopkins.
    She was the most senior staff member after Hamilton. Had she been the one to take over when the researcher’s experiment were involuntarily terminated? Maybe, but he found no specific record of responsibility for the project being transferred to her. Yet he had to think someone had taken over. They wouldn’t just abandon a bunch of half-dead patients, would they? Or maybe they would. That thought sent a chill up his spine, and he had to get up and go to his room where he poured some of the vodka he kept in a dresser drawer into a bathroom glass and took several gulps.
    After stewing for a few minutes, he decided there was another way to approach the problem. What was Dr. Wardman doing now?
    He went back to the computer, this time focusing on the doctor and not the project. 
    Dr. Wardman was currently working for an outfit called Decorah Security. Further digging revealed that they were a private detective agency. So what was a brain doctor doing for them?
    He did more checking, but he couldn’t find anything specific.
    There was a nice Web page for Decorah Security. It was run by a guy named Frank Decorah, who advertised himself as an ex-Navy SEAL. And his agency had its main place of business in an office park in Beltsville, Maryland, near the USDA Agricultural Research Library, a much less prestigious location than Dr. Hamilton had chosen. It was like he’d deliberately decided to keep a low profile. There was no record

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