to face me. The evidence of why I couldn’t
wear some skimpy bikini was evident on his own back. I saw emotions
clashing in his eyes as he was brought back to our reality. Again I
felt a pang of guilt for ruining his life.
    “ Never mind,” I quickly
recovered. “I’ll just wear my tank top over it.” That brought his
smile back.
    We didn’t actually swim much. After a
few minutes in the water we ended up on the beach as the light was
fading in the sky, turning it a brilliant pink. I lay on my back in
the sand, Alex propped up on one elbow looking down at me. The back
of his hand traced down my jawline, creating tingling sensations.
He dipped his head down and pressed his lips softly to mine. He
shifted his weight, pulling his body on top of mine. One hand
circled around my waist, pulling me as close to him as
    My head spun as Alex’s lips trailed to
my throat, his hand sliding over my stomach. Before I knew what was
happening next, I was scooped into his arms and we were tumbling
through the door and into the massive shower in the master
    I screamed and giggled as the icy
water pounded my skin. My back met the tiled shower wall as the
water slowly turned warm, Alex pressing tighter against
    His hands came to my stomach again,
sliding under the tank top I wore. As our lips moved together he
slid it slowly up until it came over my head and fell to the floor
with a slop.
    My hands wrapped around Alex’s
shoulders, sliding over his ridged muscles, trailing down his back.
My fingers brushed over the heavy scars there, my insides doing
strange quivers.
    In one fluid movement Alex hoisted me
up and my legs wrapped around his waist. His fingers were just
drifting to the clasp of my top when he froze, his entire frame
coming to a standstill.
    “ What am I doing?” he said
with a raged breath, placing a hand on the shower wall, his
forehead resting against mine.
    “ Not as much as I want you
to be doing,” I moaned, at the same time disentangling myself from
Alex. He chuckled, bringing his hands up to either side of my face,
and biting his lower lip.
    “ I’d better be careful or
I’ll be earning my own brand in a second,” he said. I tried to give
a return chuckle, even though I didn’t find any part of that
statement funny. He pressed a quick kiss to my lips and took a step
away. “Um, did you bring any concealer with you?” he said
sheepishly, his finger touching the side of my neck.
    “ What were you trying to
do?” I teased as I brought a hand to my neck to cover the mark that
was apparently already blooming.
    He merely gave a shrug with a wry
smile and stepped out of the shower. He grabbed both of us a towel
and we went back to his room.
    After grabbing my clothes I took an
actual shower, a really cold one, and grabbed a drink while Alex
showered after me. I lay on his bed, picking a piece of paper I saw
sticking out of the end of Alex’s bag. It was actually a
    It was taken the night on the yacht,
down in Seattle. The night Cole had kidnapped me. It had been
snapped just fifteen minutes or so before Cole had let me know he
was there, even though he was invisible.
    A reflection of the light brought my
eye to my left wrist, the one that was encircled by the bracelet
Alex had given me at Valentines. The one I never took off, except
to shower. My gaze drifted up to my fingers. There should have been
another piece of jewelry there from Alex. The one I had waited
every day to receive for the last four months.
    Alex walked back into the room, only a
towel wrapped around his waist.
    “ Hey now. I thought we had
established that we were being good,” he said slyly as he walked to
his bag and pulled out some clothes.
    “ Oh, I’m not trying to
temp you into bed with me. Yet,” I added as I gave him a half
    “ Close your eyes for a
second,” he said as he unfolded a pair of pants. I did as he said
and less than two seconds later he told me to open them. He stood
there in

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