Forsaken - Book 2 (Star Crossed MC Lovers)

Read Forsaken - Book 2 (Star Crossed MC Lovers) for Free Online

Book: Read Forsaken - Book 2 (Star Crossed MC Lovers) for Free Online
Authors: Sierra Rose
could do with his body left me panting for a roll in the sheets with him if nothing else.
    "What are you doing here?" he asked. “Is this about the emails I sent? Look, I was wasted. I didn’t even remember what I said until I read them the next day. I promise it won’t happen again.”
    “I knew you were drunk. You were slurring.”
    “And you could tell all that in an e-mail?”
    “Lucky, you called me on the landline at my house.”
    “It’s okay. My dad wasn’t home.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    “Listen, that’s not why I’m here.”
    “Why are you here?”
    “Do you want me to leave? Because if this is awkward, then I’ll go. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
    Our gazes locked.
    “No,” he said. “You’re a sight for sore eyes. Seeing you here is like being in heaven.”
    “I know I haven’t been an angel. And I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
    “It’s been a damn year, Lena. Twelve fucking months!”
    “I realize that. But I thought I was doing you a favor.”
    “Doing me a favor? All I ever did was love you the best way I knew how. And when things got tough, you ran and dumped my ass.”
    Tears welled up in my eyes. “It wasn’t like that…and you know it!”
    “Then tell me why gave up on us. Because you would never talk to me longer than two minutes to tell me.”
    “I gave you a note for closure.”
    “A note. Seriously? C’mon, Lena. I deserved better than a note.”
    “I know you did. But it hurt too much to see you.”
    “You think I wasn’t hurting too? I was dying inside.”  
    “I spent the last year trying to get over you. And I’m sorry I doubted our love. But after what my father did to you… I couldn’t live with the thought that he could hurt you like that. I didn’t want you to end up at the bottom of the ocean tied to a concrete block. Because I love you way too much. Can’t you see? I did it because I love you. Because I wanted to protect you. Because I care about you more than anything in the whole entire world . You’re my life, my heart and soul; the truest friend I've ever known. And I’ve missed you like crazy.”
    His gaze narrowed. “So if you’re trying to protect me, why are you here?”
    “Because I can’t stop thinking about you. You consume my heart, mind, and soul. You’ve touched me in a way like nobody else could. My life has never been the same. And I’ve thought about us long and hard. I miss what we had.  I can’t live without it. I wish you knew how much I needed you; how much I loved you. My life without your love is like a desert with no rain. My world has no color without you in it. The sun is dull. The clouds stopped moving. There’s no blue sky. The stars don’t shine. The moon doesn’t glow. The earth stopped spinning. And I guess that’s a stupid, poetic way for me to tell you my life fucking sucks without you.”
    “I’ve dreamt about you saying those words to me,” he said. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear them.”
    I wiped at the tear falling down my cheek. “I wanted to say them so badly. For so long. But I thought it was best if I stayed out of your life.”
    “You thought it was best? Because I sure as hell didn’t. You broke my damn heart.”
    “You think my heart wasn’t breaking?”
    “You wouldn’t even talk to me, Lena!”
    “I couldn’t. Because I knew I could never stay away if I gazed into those beautiful eyes of yours. I knew if you kissed me, it was all over. That I’d be putty in your hands. And I knew that would only mean your death.” I gazed lovingly into his eyes. “I love you, Lucky. I always have. When we met, it was like you rescued my soul. And I never felt more complete than when I was in your strong arms.”
    Tears welled up in his eyes. “I love you, too. So you were afraid if I knew the truth, I’d stop your little plan?”
    I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Would you have stopped it?”
    “Hell yeah, I would’ve!”
    “So I played cold.

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