what was
happening—it only knew that Rone was upset which upset it as
    Rone sighed. If only he could make the other
half of himself understand what was going on—if only he could
enlist its help! But that was impossible because his Beast had
never truly been tamed by Kate. Despite her protests to the
contrary, Rone had judged her too frail and tiny to withstand that
particular trial-by-fire. She had never seen him in his fur-form…or
mated with him when his Beast was out.
    That was how Rone wanted
it—she was his Lalli, his little one, and she must be protected, even from
him— especially from him. Instead, they had been able to use her gift—her
Knowing—to allow her to meet his Beast in a round-about way. The
result was though it liked Kate well enough, the Beast had never
really adopted her into the pack or acknowledged her as its
Mistress. It was not truly tamed to her hand , w hich
Rone now regretted.
    If someone really was menacing Kate and it
came to a fight, he would be unable to unleash the most powerful
weapon he had. Due to their incomplete bonding, his Beast could not
be trusted around her. When filled with the Blood Lust, it might
kill her as well as whatever enemy was attacking. He could do a
partial change but it wasn’t nearly as effective as a full
    Rone squared his shoulders. Whatever came,
he would just have to be ready. He would rescue Kate and take her
away from here, back to their ship where he could examine her and
make certain she was all right. After that, he wanted to hold
her—to feel her small body safe in his arms and know that she was
really and truly well and whole and his again.
    He would love her so
tenderly, he promised himself—he would spend hours between her
thighs tasting her just the way she loved it—drinking her juices
and lapping her sweet pussy until she moaned and cried and called
his name. Within him, the hunger stirred again. Gods, how he needed
    He swore to the Goddess, as he ducked out of
the dark shop and began to trail her from a distance, that once he
got her back, he would never let her go.

Chapter Three
    Kate was almost to Mayors, the jewelry store
where she worked, when the sudden urge to pee hit her. Damn it—she
should know better than to drink those freaking shakes on her
break! But they were pretty filling and a lot less empty calories
than grabbing a corn dog or a big plate of noodles which Mimi
    The main restrooms were
back in the food court but luckily, there was a small, winding
hallway—more of a service corridor, really—down at her end of the
mall, just past the jewelry store where she worked. It was mostly
storage areas and closets filled with janitorial equipment but
there was also a tiny employee bathroom at the very end of it. Kate
didn’t really like going down there—it was kind of creepy,
especially in the evening if the mall wasn’t very busy—like
tonight. But it did come in handy in a pinch.
    She cast a glance to her left, looking over
the waist-high railing that ran around the top floor. It was a long
drop down to the first level. She didn’t like heights—it made her
wish that her store was located at the ground floor instead. The
top floor of the mall, where she was walking, was nearly deserted.
There was more activity down below, however.
    She could see the play area from here with
some scattered moms sitting around the perimeter chatting while
their kids ran around like crazy things playing tag in the enclosed
area. The indoor playground had been sponsored by Busch Gardens and
had been decorated to look like a giant zoo with an immense plastic
elephant, a kangaroo with a pouch big enough to climb in, a lion
that roared when you pulled his tail, and a zebra to crawl on and
    Kate watched the kids
playing for a moment, imaging how it would be to have children of
her own. Of course, that would never be unless she found Mr. Right
and settled down. Ha—as if that was ever going to

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