Forever Wishes (Montana Brides Book 4)

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Book: Read Forever Wishes (Montana Brides Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Leeanna Morgan
anyone at the ball, let alone bring them back to his place. Erin wasn’t like anyone he’d ever dated, but he’d thrown every lesson he’d ever learned out the window when she’d smiled at him. He felt like a teenager, not sure what to do next, or whether there would be a next time.
    There was only one way to shake off the brooding feeling in the pit of his stomach. He’d go to the ranch and see his sister, then brace himself for a visit with his mom. He might even stop by his favorite café for breakfast. Playing Santa with Ethan and devil’s advocate with his mother would take every scrap of energy he could find.


    After Erin’s shift at the library she’d rung Nicky and met her at Sam’s apartment. There was nothing like a bit of bribery to make peace between friends, so she’d brought the biggest carrot cake she could find.  
    Between mouthfuls of delicious cake, Nicky kept glaring at her. “What planet are you living on to stay overnight in the house of a man you know nothing about?”
    Erin shrugged. “He needed someone to stay with him.” She stuffed another fork of cake into her mouth, hoping Nicky didn’t see her skin stretching to accommodate her lying nose.  
    “So let me get this straight. He offered to pay for a taxi to take you home. But you decided to stay and play nursemaid to a perfectly capable male while he languished in bed with a headache? Of all the cheek. You were just darn lucky nothing happened.”
    Every drop of blood in Erin’s body rushed to her face. Busted.
    “What?” Nicky gasped. “You mean something did happen? Tell me you didn’t.”
    “Okay. I won’t.”  
    Nicky raised her eyebrows.
    Leaning her elbows on the kitchen table, Erin sighed. This wasn’t going as well as she’d thought it would. She tried to look suitably embarrassed, but couldn’t hold back the grin slipping across her face. “And he didn’t really have a headache. It was a more like an achy body that needed some tender loving care.”
    “A what?”
    “We had sex. More than once. And it was incredible .”
    Nicky’s fork clattered against the table. “I knew it. No man has a goofy grin on his face if he’s going home with a migraine. Just wait until I see Sam. That man’s got a lot to answer for. It was supposed to be a double date, not a sex romp with my best friend.” She picked up her fork, stuffing another mouthful of cake into her mouth. Nicky’s jaw worked overtime, smashing the carrot and pineapple to shreds.
    Erin cleared her throat. “The thing is…I really enjoyed last night.” She bit her lip, trying to hold back another grin. “And I’m ready to give Sam a big smoochy kiss to thank him for introducing us.”
    “I need coffee,” Nicky groaned. “And not one of those frilly latte’s you like. I need a triple scoop of instant to keep me sane.” She pushed her chair away from the table and headed over to the kitchen counter. “Just promise me not to smooch Sam too soon. He needs a little bit of time to feel guilty before you tell him he’s your second favorite person.” Nicky poured boiling water into her cup and moved back to the table. “I’m just thankful you’re okay.”  
    Before she scooped another piece of cake off her plate, Nicky asked a question Erin wasn’t too thrilled about answering.  
    “Why on earth did you pay four thousand dollars for a date with Jake?”
    “Umm.” Erin chewed her bottom lip. “If I tell you, you have to swear never to breathe a word of it to Sam.”  
    “Oh, man. What have you been up to?”
    “It’s not that bad. Jake asked me to bid for him on his behalf, so it didn’t cost me anything.” A bubble of laughter escaped her lips. “I made him promise to do me a favor in return for bailing him out of the auction.”
    Nicky groaned. “Whoever said librarians were a dull and boring lot hasn’t met you. What dastardly deed are you going to get him to do, or shouldn’t I ask?”  
    “I don’t know

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