
Read Forbidden for Free Online

Book: Read Forbidden for Free Online
Authors: Lauren Smith
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, new adult
to be interested, wanting another notch on his bedpost and thinking she’d be an easy target?
    Or does he really like me? A nervous flutter stirred in her stomach again.
    “Why did you really follow me to the bakery?” she asked.
    For a man like him to come after her when the pub had been filled with plenty of pretty college girls, there had to be a reason. She wasn’t exactly the type of girl guys flocked after. She was a size twelve, definitely curvy, with brown hair and gray eyes. Not a stunning model or even like the prettier girls she’d seen on campus, those tall leggy British beauties who were similar to his cousin Celia.
    Tristan bit into a forkful of cake, sucking chocolate off the prongs.
    Kat stared at his mouth, remembering all too well how his lips had felt on hers.
    “You’ve caught my attention, Kat.” He set his plate on the table by the bed and folded his arms over his chest.
    “Your attention?” She avoided the bed and sat at her desk, where she nibbled on the cake. The flavors were decadent. The zing of the raspberry, the dark, almost erotic taste of the semi-sweet chocolate. Sinful .
    “Yes.” He reached up to stroke his jaw. “Very few things attract my attention. But you did.” His brows drew together.
    What did that mean? Kat had trouble swallowing. Maybe if she drank something…Kneeling by her fridge, she retrieved a small carton of milk.
    “Want something to drink?” she offered.
    “Yes. Thank you.” He rose from the bed and came up behind her. The warmth of his body seared hers as he reached around her to grab one of her mugs and fill it himself.
    A shiver rippled down her spine, and she closed her eyes a brief moment, until he stepped back again. Then she raised her glass to her lips and hastily drank, trying to quench the thirst chocolate always created, and this newer thirst for the man not two feet from her. He was like a drug—one hit and she needed more. To feel that giddy rush when he pinned her against a wall, his hands exploring her curves, his mouth possessing hers…She was supposed to be playing it cool, and not letting him think he could get her into bed, at least not tonight. The fact that this was exactly what she wanted was very…very bad.

Chapter 4
    I find you fascinating,” Tristan said. Their faces were so close, his lips a mere breath from hers, and it made her head spin a little with a strange, excited dizziness. His gaze dropped to her lips as his voice softened to a low murmur. “I made a promise tonight, and I won’t break it, even it if bloody well kills me.”
    Kat shivered and when she spoke her voice was husky. “But after tonight?”
    With a curve of his lips, Tristan leaned in half an inch closer. “After tonight…I could fuck you here, in this bed, and leave you so sated you’d wouldn’t want to get up for days. The things I could do to you to make you purr, make you moan and beg…After being with me, no other man would satisfy you.” The tips of their noses brushed as he leaned a tiny bit closer. Every muscle in her body tensed in heady anticipation, and her heart thudded against her ribs so hard it hurt.
    Those images his words created, his body on top of hers, his weight trapping her while he owned her in every way…why did it sound so wonderful and frightening all at the same time?
    Kat’s lips parted, but no words came out at first. He seemed like a man who, up to now, had gotten everything he ever wanted. She didn’t want to be another thing he got simply because he wanted it. She was a woman worth fighting for, and Kat wanted him to earn her. Her father used to say, “A good man will climb to the highest branch for the ripest apple, rather than pluck the low-hanging fruit.” She deserved a man who was willing to work for her.
    “But not tonight,” she replied softly, almost teasing. Her heart pounded at a wild pace and her hands shook as she clenched them together.
    As though it were the most natural thing in the world, he

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