For Nevermore Season 1

Read For Nevermore Season 1 for Free Online

Book: Read For Nevermore Season 1 for Free Online
Authors: Sean Platt
having another episode. The dean wouldn’t of left that fact out of the story unless he’d not known it, which meant that neither Coach Carla nor Vicky told the dean. Noella wasn’t sure why nobody said anything, but she was glad. If Randy knew what had happened, she’d be in Dr. Foster’s office tomorrow morning.
    Randy stood, stepped toward the door, then turned back with his hand on the knob. “Cancel all your plans for the next two weeks,” he said. “You’re on full blackout.”
    My date with Sam!
    “But it’s my birthday! I have plans to go to the movies with Sam tomorrow!”
    “You should’ve thought about that before you got into a fistfight,” Randy said. “And besides, when did you start going on dates? I don’t recall us discussing the matter.”
    “It’s not a date. He’s my friend. We’re just friends! ”
    “Well, tell your ‘friend’ you can’t go out tomorrow. And next time you’re sticking up for yourself, try not to ruin my day in the process, eh?” Randy left the room and shut the door behind him.
    Full blackout?
    She couldn’t believe that Randy would be such a jerk on her birthday, of all days! So much for Josie saying things would be okay. Now Noella had to call Sam and tell him the news, and hope he’d still wanna take her out in two weeks.
    She picked up her cell and dialed Sam’s number, waiting for him to pick up, and hoping like hell she wouldn’t melt into tears while giving him the bad news. After four rings, his voicemail message began.
    “Hey, it’s Sam. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you after I get back from Skyrim.”
    She laughed, knowing that the video game had already sucked up 150 hours of his life, if not more since he got it. She loved how sweet he sounded even in something as plain as his voicemail message. She could listen to it a million times and it would bring a smile to her face each and every time.
    She was halfway through leaving a message when Randy burst back into her room and yelled, “And no phone for two weeks! Blackout means blackout!”
    Noella was too humiliated to finish what she was saying. She whispered, “Bye, Sam. See you at school,” then turned the phone off and handed it to Randy.
    “And the laptop. No Facebook or email for you either.”
    Randy waited as Noella unplugged her computer and handed it to him reluctantly.
    “Thank you,” Randy said, and left her room, closing the door behind him.


    Sometime after her second pint of tears, Noella fell asleep.
    Though her father had been gone for a decade, Noella felt some comfort in knowing that he was never farther away than her dreams. No matter how bad things got, he was always there to listen to her. And he always had the right thing to say. Of course, it wasn’t her real dad. It was some dream version, maybe even another facet of her mind, Dr. Foster had suggested. But that didn’t lessen how much she looked forward to seeing him, and how real he felt to her while she was in the dream world.
    She wondered, if she had created her dad, why hadn’t she also created a dream version of her mother. Perhaps it was because her mother died minutes after she was born, so she’d never gotten to know her. And though her father, and Josie to a lesser extent, tried to paint a picture of what her mom had been like, the image they painted was still a stranger to her.
    While hundreds of different people populated her dreams, there were only two regularly featured: her father and her boyfriend, Dante.
    Dante had been in her dreams for as long as she could remember.
    He was 19 or 20, she guessed, with olive skin, perfectly sculpted muscles, and long dark hair hanging over piercing gray eyes. He was gorgeous. Her subconscious had a pretty good bead on the kinds of guys she was attracted to. He also had the most beautiful, kindest smile this side of Sam’s. And though she didn’t know much about him, she felt a connection with him, a love for him, that made sense in the weird

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