Floyd & Mikki (Book 2): Zombie Slayers (Dawn of the Living)

Read Floyd & Mikki (Book 2): Zombie Slayers (Dawn of the Living) for Free Online

Book: Read Floyd & Mikki (Book 2): Zombie Slayers (Dawn of the Living) for Free Online
Authors: Joseph Tatner
Tags: Zombies
walking with a backpack, Mini Uzi, sniper rifle, shotgun, sword and grenades really weighed you down. Floyd was surprised that Mikki hadn’t popped a grenade all day, but then he remembered that she had found other ways to blow shit up. He stepped back out onto the deck, found the rope tying the boat to the dock, and threw it onto the deck.
    “All right,” he said. “Let’s see what this baby can do.”
    The steering wheel, he could figure out. The odd assortment of levers were another matter. He tried pulling them and the boat went into reverse. He quickly put them back where they were, as Mikki laughed at him. OK, if back was reverse, then theoretically forward meant…
    The boat lurched ahead. Floyd quickly turned the wheel to the right and narrowly missed the boat tied up next to him. Mikki fell off the bed onto the floor, landing with a thud. Soon they were headed out to sea, bounding up and down on the waves.
    “Yeehaw!” Mikki screamed with delight. She took off her weapons and jacket and headed out onto the deck, moving forward to feel the ocean spray on her face. Floyd felt like he did the first time he ever drove a truck. He was actually having…fun! He opened up the throttle all the way and turned the wheel left and right, turning in every direction.
    Mikki held on to the rail at the bow, feeling completely alive. Of course, she did the Titatnic pose, arms outstretched and screaming, “I’m flying! I’m king of the world!”
    She felt the salty water splashing on her face. She tasted it on her lips. She felt every wave, every movement of the ocean. She felt the boat going up and down, up and down, up and down, up and…oh shit!
    “Floyd!” she called out.
    He couldn’t hear her over the roar of the engines. Floyd was caught up in his own little world. He was having a blast and loving every minute of it. Maybe Mikki was right. Maybe they should keep the boat. Stock it up and live on the ocean. Never worry about some damn undead thing biting your ass in the middle of the night ever again!
    “Floyd!!!” Mikki called louder.
    He still couldn’t hear her, but he saw her double over. She dropped to her knees and was hanging on to the rail. Floyd quickly wound down the engines and ran out to her. He arrived just in time to see her hurl every bit of the last MRE she ate over the side of the boat. The fish would eat well tonight.
    “I…don’t feel so good,” Mikki said, weakly.
    “I can see that,” Floyd said softly. Luckily, her hair was still in a ponytail so she hadn’t barfed all over it. He put his left arm in front of her to steady her and gently held the back of her head with his other hand. He knelt there, talking softly to her. After a minute or so, she puked up another batch of fish food. She hurled and hurled until she heaved up nothing but air. Then Floyd helped her to her feet and held her tight, guiding her as she staggered back to the bunk.
    Floyd gently laid her down on the bed and got a bottle of water for her to rinse out her mouth. He grabbed a wide glass from the galley and had her spit into it, then dumped it down the little sink. He sat by Mikki’s side, gently stroking the side of her face. Eventually, she passed out and was soon snoring soft little girl snores. Floyd kissed her gently on the forehead, tucked her under a blanket, and then sat on the other bunk, divesting himself of all his armaments so he could stretch out and grab some sleep. One more time, he looked over at Mikki.
    With a tiny smile, he said, “Love boat my ass.”

Chapter Eight
    Floyd awoke to a bright sun, streaming in through the windows. The little boat bobbed gently up and down on the waves. Mikki was still snoring softly, and given her proclivity for vomiting, he decided to let her sleep. She had long since emptied her stomach, but that wouldn’t keep her from the dry heaves that kept her miserable until merciful sleep claimed her. Even in her slumber, she still looked a little green.

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