Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales
    “I asked when the last time you were in was.”
    “Oh, sorry. Um, it must have been two weeks ago or something. This was the earliest appointment I could have gotten. Did you study here? To become a dentist, I mean.”
    “I’m actually supposed to be shadowing Dr. Hunter, but he fell ill and had to go home at the last minute, so I’m filling in for him. I’m completing my degree in Hungary, though, where I’ll probably stay after I graduate. Though I grew up here in the states,” he rushed to add. Oh, so that explains a lot.
    “Hungary? Wow, that’s far!” was all I could say, feeling stupid. He smiled politely at me again and stopped in front of a door, finally.
    “Go ahead and step right in, I’m just going to grab the filling.” I nodded my understanding and stepped in.
    Woah . It was definitely a huge upgrade from the other office I’m usually put in. The room was rather spacious with one large window, though there was a huge plush curtain sealing off the view to outside. The floor was actually carpeted, and the reclined chair had a pillow on it along with a folded blanket and weird bulky glasses. Then you had your standard dentist supplies, the drills and picks and the other boring stuff. I walked around the room and looked in wonder before returning to the bulky glasses and flipping them around in my hands.
    “Virtual reality glasses,” his deep voice said from the door.
    “ Cool! ” I replied enthusiastically, hoping that I could try them out.
    “You can go ahead and lie down on the chair and put them on. We like for our patients to be as comfortable as possible, so if you get cold or anything you can wrap the blanket around you, too. It’s also pretty useful for privacy while in your virtual world,” he said with a chuckle at his own private joke. 
    He placed the filling and supplies on the foldable metal table next to the chair. I tossed my purse into the corner of the room and gingerly hung up my jacket. Shoot, I forgot to take off my hoodie. While his back was still to me, I quickly took off my hoodie and readjusted my breasts to show off as much cleavage as possible without it being obvious that I was trying. I glanced over and noticed that he was still organizing the supplies, so I hiked up my skirt a little bit to expose a little more of my lean, tanned thighs, smoothed my top down, and reapplied lip gloss. I wasn’t quite sure why I was doing this or what I was doing, I just knew that I wanted him to look at me sexually, even if just for a moment. I went and stretched out on the chair, tossing the blanket to the side—I wanted to make sure he got a chance to ogle my curves before and while he worked.
    When Dr. Hunter’s shadow ( I should remember to ask his name later) turned back around , I noted that his eyes lingered a fraction of a second too long on my breasts. Feeling invincible, I parted my knees ever so slightly, making sure to not make it obvious. His eyes flickered over to my legs and quickly back at me.
    “I’m just going to clip this bib around your neck before we get started,” he said, presenting a pink napkin-looking fabric and a silver band with clips on each end. He fished one end of the clip around my neck and reached up with his other hand to secure the bib in place. As he did this, his hands accidentally brushed against my nipples; my whole body immediately tensed, including my clit and nipples. I wondered if he even noticed—he certainly didn’t apologize, so I doubt it.
    “So, how does this thing work, anyway?” I asked, motioning at the glasses.
    “Oh, you just push this button to turn it on,” he reached his arm over to press the button for me, brushing against my breasts again. That one definitely wasn’t an accident . “Then you take these and use them according to the instructions in the ‘game.’” He put one small vibrating device with scrolls on the side and another square plastic thing with buttons on it in my hand, brushing the

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