not ain’t important. It’s the principle of the thing.”
Ryan sensed his own irritation gathering momentum. “What do you want me to do?”
“Pack up and leave. We who care about Fred can get this thing turned around with Flash. No one needs a big company running our business.” James spat on the sidewalk.
“Sorry, James. I’m staying. We have to work together, like it or not.”
James’s eyes widened. “Want to take this to the parking lot? I’d love the chance to tear into you—break that nose of yours.”
Ryan stood from the bench, his finger holding his place in the book. “I’m not leaving my job here, and I’m not fighting you. If my presence bothers you that much, I’ll go to another restaurant.” He refused to get baited into a sophomoric mentality, and he refused to sacrifice his integrity. If James chose to flatten him, the man could sit in jail, because Ryan wouldn’t hesitate to press charges.
“You’re afraid of me.”
Ryan nearly laughed at the irony; it was James who was frightened. Instead he shook his head. “No, I’m not. You don’t want to make a spectacle of yourself in front of all these people waiting for a table, do you? Aren’t you a family man?”
“Glad to hear you’re so concerned about others. When did that happen?”
Ryan turned and walked toward his vehicle. He’d have drive-through for his dinner tonight.
“This isn’t over yet,” James said. “Some of us are talking.
You’d better be keeping an eye out, because we’re waiting.”
Ryan whirled around and retraced his steps until he faced James squarely. “I suggest you think before you speak, James. Do you need a reminder about who is making the recommendations for job placements?”
Without waiting for James to reply, he made his way to his vehicle and cast his focus on a hamburger and French fries for dinner.
Sunday, 10:00 a.m
“I invited Ryan to church, but I don’t see him.” Fred craned his neck toward the parking lot.
Alina glanced around them in the hope that neither Fred nor Marta saw her discomfort.
“What’s he look like?” Marta asked. She stood shoulder to shoulder with her tall husband.
“Blond, blue-eyed, muscular, and a nice smile,” Alina said.
Marta threw her an odd look. “I thought you didn’t care for him. Sounds to me like you listed potential boyfriend material.”
Fred laughed. “My guess is it would snow in July before Alina entertained that thought.”
Don’t even go there, Fred
. “I was being nice,” Alina said. “You know, working on changing my attitude to display a show of respect and integrity.”
“I bet you rehearsed that the whole time you were getting ready for church,” Marta said. “Truthfully, I know this has been hard, and I praise your efforts.”
“It’s all God, because I’d like to run him out of town.” Alina laughed at her absurd comment, then added, “I really am trying.”
“Toss some of your good intentions James’s way. He’s really got it in for the guy,” Fred said.
Alarm propelled through her veins. The last thing she wanted was to see Ryan on the receiving end of one of James’s volatile outbursts. She’d heard about the foreman’s temper, even seen it in action when one of the servicemen neglected to complete a job to James’s satisfaction. “I hope James’s animosity is all talk.”
“Let’s pray so. I keep telling myself any man who’s a volunteer fireman and comes to a Bible study can overcome his dark side.” Fred scanned the parking lot one more time. “Ryan must have changed his mind. We best get inside before the service starts. I haven’t seen James and his family either.”
Alina admitted she wanted to go to church alone—without Ryan. A wicked thought, but the truth. Going through the box of keepsakes had left her feeling as though she’d been tackled by the old emotions. Sitting on the same pew with him would distract her from keeping her love for him separated from good