Fixing Ashley

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Book: Read Fixing Ashley for Free Online
Authors: Melissa Gardener
have to meet Mitchel, he’s a hoot. Not like this emo fuck over here.” Brad motions to me and I throw him my napkin in retaliation. I’m not that bad, but I have to admit, breaking up with Carole has put a lot of things in perspective. I miss some parts of our relationship, but I don’t miss her. I think I miss the company of another person more than the person herself, which is just sad.
    “So, is Mitchel your older brother?” Laurie asks, taking me out of my reverie.
    I shake my head. “He’s younger by three years. He’d just turned sixteen, and it was my job, as his big brother, to screw with him.” I laugh, thinking back. It was right after I’d gotten home from my first year in college, and he was all excited to show me his “toy,” as he liked to call it. “He still has that damn Jeep, by the way,” I add, looking pointedly at Brad.
    “My sister hates that thing.” Brad shakes his head. “She calls it a death trap. I swear, if those two weren’t so perfect for each other, she’d have killed him by now...probably in that Jeep.” He laughs.
    Ashley furrows her brow and cuts in. “So wait, your sister—” she points to Brad “—and your brother—” she motions to me “—are married?”
    I turn to her. “Yeah, I can’t get away from him.” With eyes wide in mock annoyance, I add, “Ever.”
    She giggles, and I swear the sound goes straight to my cock. Her eyes then go wide, mocking mine and she repeats, “Ever?”
    I smirk and get lost in a moment with her, but she looks away, leaving me feeling a little odd. I frown and want to ask a million different questions, but before I can, she turns back to me and gifts me a small smile. I don’t know what to make of her at all.
                  “Wow, that’s all kinds of incestuous, huh?” Laurie interrupts, giggling and taking a pull from her straw while wagging her eyebrows in Brad’s direction.
    I watch their interaction for a moment and can plainly see the kind of connection they have. I can only hope to find that same thing in someone else someday.
    Ashley groans and scrunches up her nose. “Laurie, they’re not really related.”
    Okay, so maybe Laurie has also had a few too many drinks. Hell, looking at the table, we’re all too drunk to contemplate driving anywhere, let alone explain the logistics of mine and Brad’s long-term relationship.
    Laurie rolls her eyes at Ashley. “Duh, I know that. I was just sayin’.”
    Ashley laughs and says teasingly, “Yeah, I’m sure you were.” She sounds cute even when her voice is a little slurry. Maybe Brad’s right. Maybe I do have a thing for my employer.
    “Would you guys like anything else?” the waitress asks, cutting into our little bubble.
    “Actually, we were thinking of going to the club,” Laurie politely tells the waitress, who then informs us she’s going to go get our bills.
    I turn to Brad. “This better not be the same kind of club you dragged me to the other night.”
    “Nah,” he says, smirking. “You’ll like this one. I promise.”
    It’s not that late and the club Laurie suggests is within walking distance. It’s a nice night out so we opt to walk there. Ashley and I hang back and let Laurie and Brad walk in front of us.
    I keep my hands in my pockets and notice how Ashley has her arms wrapped around her body, almost as if she’s hugging herself.
    “Everything okay?” I inquire, slowing my pace to keep in stride with hers.
    “Yeah, just, you know—” she juts out her chin toward the bubbly couple in front of us “—they seem...happy.”
    I scoff. “New relationships are always great. They’re in that honeymoon phase; know what I mean?”
    “Yes. I know exactly what you mean.” She smiles softly. “And I wish they’d stay like that, I guess.” Her voice is wistful, and sad. I’m almost afraid to say anything because I don’t want to be at the receiving end of any backlash. From what Brad told me, her divorce was pretty bad. I

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