Five Little Pigs

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Book: Read Five Little Pigs for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
who’s just going to get married to find that her mother was a murderess. If I were you I’d go to her and say that, after all, suicide was what it was. Say the case was mishandled by Depleach. Say that there’s no doubt in your mind that Crale poisoned himself!”
    â€œBut there is every doubt in my mind! I do not believe for one minute that Crale poisoned himself. Do you consider it even reasonably possible yourself?”
    Slowly Hale shook his head.
    â€œYou see? No, it is the truth I must have—not a plausible—or not very plausible—lie.”
    Hale turned and looked at Poirot. His square rather red face grew a little redder and even appeared to get a little squarer. He said:
    â€œYou talk about the truth . I’d like to make it plain to you that we think we got the truth in the Crale case.”
    Poirot said quickly:
    â€œThat pronouncement from you means a great deal. I knowyou for what you are, an honest and capable man. Now tell me this, was there no doubt at any time in your mind as to the guilt of Mrs. Crale?”
    The Superintendent’s answer came promptly.
    â€œNo doubt at all, Mr. Poirot. The circumstances pointed to her straight away, and every single fact that we uncovered supported that view.”
    â€œYou can give me an outline of the evidence against her?”
    â€œI can. When I received your letter I looked up the case.” He picked up a small notebook. “I’ve jotted down all the salient facts here.”
    â€œThank you, my friend. I am all eagerness to hear.”
    Hale cleared his throat. A slight official intonation made itself heard in his voice.
    He said:
    â€œAt two forty-five on the afternoon of September 18th, Inspector Conway was rung up by Dr. Andrew Faussett. Dr. Faussett stated that Mr. Amyas Crale of Alderbury had died suddenly and that in consequence of the circumstances of that death and also of a statement made to him by a Mr. Blake, a guest staying in the house, he considered that it was a case for the police.
    â€œInspector Conway, in company with a sergeant and the police surgeon, came over to Alderbury straight away. Dr. Faussett was there and took him to where the body of Mr. Crale had not been disturbed.
    â€œMr. Crale had been painting in a small enclosed garden, known as the Battery garden, from the fact that it overlooked the sea, and had some miniature cannon placed in embattlements. It was situated at about four minutes’ walk from the house. Mr. Cralehad not come up to the house for lunch as he wanted to get certain effects of light on the stone—and the sun would have been wrong for this later. He had, therefore, remained alone in the Battery garden, painting. This was stated not to be an unusual occurrence. Mr. Crale took very little notice of meal times. Sometimes a sandwich would be sent down to him, but more often he preferred to remain undisturbed. The last people to see him alive were Miss Elsa Greer (staying in the house) and Mr. Meredith Blake (a near neighbour). These two went up together to the house and went with the rest of the household in to lunch. After lunch, coffee was served on the terrace. Mrs. Crale finished drinking her coffee and then observed that she would ‘go down and see how Amyas was getting on.’ Miss Cecilia Williams, governess, got up and accompanied her. She was looking for a pullover belonging to her pupil, Miss Angela Warren, sister of Mrs. Crale, which the latter had mislaid and she thought it possible it might have been left down on the beach.
    â€œThese two started off together. The path led downwards, through some woods, until it emerged at the door leading into the Battery garden. You could either go into the Battery garden or you could continue on the same path, which led down to the seashore.
    â€œMiss Williams continued on down and Mrs. Crale went into the Battery garden. Almost at once, however, Mrs. Crale screamed and Miss Williams hurried back.

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