Five Go Off to Camp
apologised Mr Luffy. 'I think you fried me six for my breakfast, Anne.'
    'That's all right,' said Anne. 'You didn't have as many as the others, even so! We can easily get some more.'
    It was pleasant sitting there, eating and talking, and drinking lime juice and stream water. They were al tired, and it was nice to think of the cosy sleeping-bags. Timmy lifted his head and gave a vast yawn, showing an enormous amount of teeth.
    'Timmy! I could see right down to your tail then!' said George. 'Do shut your mouth up.
    You've made us al yawn.'
    So he had. Even Mr Luffy was yawning. He got up. 'Well, I'm going to turn in,' he said.
    'Good night.
    We'll make plans tomorrow morning. I'l bring up some breakfast for you, if you like. I've got some tins of sardines.'
    'Oh, thanks,' said Anne. 'And there's some of this cake left. I hope you won't think that's too funny a breakfast, Mr Luffy - sardines and fruit cake?'
    'Not a bit. It sounds a most sensible meal,' came Mr Luffy's voice from down the hil side.
    'Good night!'
    The children sat there a few minutes longer. The sun went right out of sight. The wind grew a little chil y. Timmy yawned enormously again.

    'Come on,' said Julian. 'Time we turned in. Thank goodness Timmy didn't come into our tent and walk al over me last night. Good night, girls. It's going to be a heavenly night -
    but as I shal be asleep in about two shakes of a duck's tail, I shan't see much of it!'
    The girls went into their tent. They were soon in their sleeping-bags. Just before they went to sleep Anne felt the slight shivering of the earth that meant a train was running underground somewhere. She could hear no rumbling sound. She fell asleep thinking ofit.
    The boys were not asleep. They, too, had felt the trembling of the earth beneath them, and it had reminded them of the old railway yard.
    'Funny about those spook-trains, Dick,' said Julian, sleepily. 'Wonder if there is anything in it.'
    'No. How could there be?' said Dick. 'Al the same we'l go to the farm tomorrow and have a chat with that boy. He lives on the moors and he ought to know the truth.'
    'The real truth is that Wooden-Leg Sam is potty, and imagines al he says, and the old shepherd is ready to believe in anything strange,' said Julian.
    'I expect you're right,' said Dick. 'Oh my goodness, what's that?'
    A dark shape stood looking in at the tent-flap. It gave a little whine.
    'Oh, it's you, Timmy. Would you mind not coming and pretending you're a spook-train or something?' said Dick. 'And if you dare to put so much as half a paw on my middle, I'l scare you down the hil with a roar like a man-eating tiger. Go away.'
    Timmy put a paw on Julian. Julian yelled out to George. 'George! Cal this dog of yours, wil you? He's just about to turn himself round twenty times on my middle, and curl himself up for the night.'
    There was no answer from George. Timmy, feeling that he was not wanted, disappeared. He went back to George and curled himself up on her feet. He put his nose down on his paws and slept.
    'Spooky Timmy,' murmured Julian, re-arranging himself. 'Timmy spooky - no, I mean - oh dear, what do I mean?'
    'Shut up,' said Dick. 'What with you and Timmy messing about, I can't get - to - sleep!'
    But he could and he did - almost before he had finished speaking. Silence fel on the little camp, and nobody noticed when the next train rumbled underground - not even Timmy!

6 Day at the farm
    The next day the children were up very early, as early as Mr Luffy, and they all had breakfast together. Mr Luffy had a map of the moorlands, and he studied it carefully after breakfast.
    'I think I'll go off for the whole day,' he said to Julian, who was sitting beside him. 'See that little val ey marked here - Crowleg Vale - well, I have heard that there are some of the rarest beetles in Britain to be found there. I think I'l take my gear and go along. What are you four going to do?'
    'Five,' said George at once. 'You've forgotten Timmy.'
    'So I have. I beg his

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