First Visions
how.” Silence stretched on for several minutes as he seemed to mull
over everything she had told him.
    “Why do you believe me?” Kate demanded when
the quiet started to become unbearable. She continued, “It hardly
seems conventional for a police officer to believe in the
paranormal. What’s the deal? Why do you believe any of this psychic
    She could tell he was trying hard to suppress
his laughter. She guessed it did seem pretty odd that a psychic was
telling him he wasn’t conventional.
    “I’m pretty open-minded. My aunt raised me
after my parents died in a car accident when I was seven. She’s
pretty eccentric. There was always some ‘aunt’ or ‘uncle’ of mine
hanging around who was either a medium or a palm reader. But I came
to you as a skeptic. It was your strong reaction which made me
suspect you were hiding something. Obviously, you were covering
something up with your surliness,” he explained.
    With earnestness he continued to speak.
“Kate, the stuff you just told me, there’s no way you would know
certain details. The fact that we found blood at the base of the
stairwell or the pictures Cori was drawing hasn’t been released to
the media. Also, how could you possibly know the layout of the
Preston house?”
    “I was not surly,” she protested.
    “No, you’re right. Saying you were surly is
being kind.” He asked her gravely, “Why do you think he took
    Kate chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully.
“He had crazy eyes. At first, it made me think he was high and
maybe just looking for money to buy drugs. Who else would break
into a house at seven-thirty in the evening?”
    A second later, she shared her suspicions.
“Although he was probably cracked out, I really do think he might
know the family in some way. So, maybe he did intend to abduct
Cori. Of course, I can’t be sure about anything. It was just the
sense I got from the vision.”
    He stood. “I’m going to call into the station
and let my supervisor know what you told me. Do you mind hanging
here for a few minutes in case I have a few more questions?” She
shrugged in assent and he walked into his bedroom.
    Kate began to wander around his home once he
left. It seemed only fair since he had no reservations about prying
into her life when he’d been at her house. She found a collage of
photographs on the wall in the living room. Seeking out Nikki in
the photos was child’s play. Drop dead gorgeous as she suspected.
She was very petite and thin enough to likely fit into the clothes
found in the kids section of the Gap. Straight blond hair hung past
her shoulders and the same blue eyes as Cori stared out from the
photo. Her complexion was so clear, Kate wondered if she had
Photoshopped all of the pictures before hanging them on the walls.
Her smiles never reached her eyes, which made Kate instantly
dislike her. It wasn’t at all about the shots of her and Jared
kissing and hugging.
    Jared’s smiles were frequent and lit up his
whole face. Her intuition told her that he was a good guy and would
protect her anonymity. The media blitz of the Matt Spencer case was
the last thing she wanted again. She was already a social pariah.
Another newspaper story may send her straight to the closest
    “What are you looking at so intently?” She
jumped at Jared’s voice behind her. She hadn’t heard him
    “Your girlfriend—she’s beautiful. What’s she
doing slumming with you?” she joked and playfully pushed his arm.
She blushed at her inability to play it cool and wondered why he
seemed to always bring out her inner lameness.
    He smiled down at her. “Not sure, guess I’m
just lucky. So kiddo, do you have a boyfriend?”
    “Kiddo? Seriously? What are you, like four
years older than me?” she scoffed.
    He coughed uncomfortably. “Seven years. I’m
    “Well, holy crap then, you are so much
older than me,” Kate said sarcastically. She pierced him with her
hazel eyes.

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